Chapter 3

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Song of the Day: There is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths

Odette's POV:

I woke up, and felt hot breath on my forehead. I opened my eyes and almost jerked back with surprise. I was really close to Mark. I felt his hand around my waist. My head was really close to his chest. His heat was radiating off to me. I could feel his heart beat on the palms of my hands, that were laying on his chest. I looked up with just my eyes and saw his angelic face, peacefully sleeping. I smiled to myself, I felt really comfortable. I wouldn't mind staying like this for a little bit longer. I sighed happily, when I heard a snap!

"Ponsi, you need to be quiet. If they wake up they might kills us." I heard Angelica whisper. I wanted to laugh at their stupidness.

"I know, Ange. It was an accident. We are definetly putting this on twitter" He whispered back. I shifted a little, I couldn't let them do that, the fosterkids would hate me! They would think Mark and I are dating or something and be pissed, even if I was one of them. I carefully slipped my hands from his chest an grabbed his hand, slowly removing it from my waist. I slowly scooted away. I instantly felt a bit cold. I really wanted to go back.

"See? You woke her up!" She whispered loudly. I looked at them.

"Give me that phone Pontious," I whispered a bit sternly. Angelica made a face at him like saying 'I wouldn't make her mad if I were you' and Pontious unwillingly gave it to me. I looked at the picture and smiled internally. I secretly send it to my phone and then deleted it. I handed his phone back.

"Why'd you do that?" Pontious asked.

"You know the problem you would create between the fans and me if they think we are dating?!" I whispered harshly. He looked at me confused.

"You're not? Why not? I thought you liked each other?" He whispered back confused. I shook my head.

"I don't think he likes me like that." I said sighing and looking down at Mark, wondering about the almost kiss moment we shared yesterday and what it meant. We heard Mark shift a little and I gestured them to leave just before Pontious was about to whisper something back. Angelica grabbed his hand and they left quickly, well, as quick as they could on their tiptoes. I smiled, I hope they ended up together. I turned to my mirror, my make up was slightly smudged, uh oh.

I got up from the bed and went to my bathroom. I guess you could say that Angelica and I had a slightly bigger than average house. With several bathrooms and rooms. I got payed fairly well and Angelica did too, so we could afford this house. I was really comfortable here, better than when I lived with Steven.

He didn't let me use any of my money so he could use the fact that he bought me everything against me. Thankfully, the publishing company had sent all of the money I earned to my bank account that only I had access to.

I took all of my make up from yesterday off and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair a bit and put it in a messy high ponytail. I went back to the room and grabbed some pijama shorts and a t-shirt. I went back to the bathroom and changed. I went back to the bed and layed next to Mark , like we were before, except his hand wasn't around my waist, my hands weren't at his chest and we weren't as close. He sighed. I looked at his features. He was mesmerizing.

He shifted and moved his head closer to mine, touching his forehead to mine. I got tense, his face was really close to me, then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I blushed, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, I was sure he could hear it if he were to wake up. His lips were slightly parted. I felt like touching them, so I did. I slightly brushed my index finger on his bottom lip. I felt him smile and I quickly pulled my hand back and looked down quickly. He yawned.

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