Chapter 2

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Song of the Day: Leave Before the Lights Come On by Artic Monkeys

Odette's POV:

I smiled at Angelica's expression when talking to Pontious. She looked so unbelievably happy and that made me feel unbelievably happy. It looked like she was having fun.

"It seems like they're getting along well." I turned to see Mark next to me, really close, he was looking down at me with a toothy smile. I loved it when he smiled like that, it lit up the whole room.

"Yup, seems like it, doesn't it? I'm happy she met her favorite member from our favorite band." I giggled,  I still couldn't believe it. Mark smirked.

"So he's not your favorite member. Who is it then?" He asked, kind of mocking me. I blushed.

"You know... you" I whispered. He chuckled.

"Nah, really?" He asked. If only he saw my tumblr, he wouldn't have a single doubt. I nodded shyly.

"I'm glad I'm your favorite and not one of the other guys." He said, scratching the back of his neck. I smiled. He was embarrassed! Awe.

"Oh really? Haha, okay. Oh, hey. How rude of me. You want a drink or something?" I asked.

"Beer sounds good right now." He said. I nodded slowly, and led him to the kitchen. I already know Mark drinks, I just hope he doesn't drink as much as he did. I sighed and grabbed him a beer. He took it and thanked me. I nodded and leaned back on the counter, opposite of him.

"You're not going to drink?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just not in the mood right now. Maybe later." I said. It wasn't that I didn't drink, I just did if I really wanted to. And even if I did, I never drank more than 2 or 3 cans/bottles. He nodded.

"So tell me, how's the life of a famous band member like you?" I asked. I had always been interested in other people's life, not in a gossip-y way though, which is why I had become and interviewer for a magazine in the past before I became an author. I really loved to get to know a person well.

"Well, it's a lot of fun to be honest. I love going on tour and meeting different cultures and ways of life. It kind of teaches me a new perspective of life and what is out there, you know? Like, that's why I love music, it's a connection between many different types of people. You know, it's like a different language that everybody understands. It makes me have a purpose, like, it makes me feel proud that I can make people feel the way they feel when they listen to my music. When a fan tells me that they enjoy listening to something I created along with my bandmates, it's the best feeling ever." I smiled widely at his expression while he said it.

He talked so beautifully about music, his eyes sparkled and you could tell he felt proud, I could relate. I know I felt the same about my books, I felt appreciated when someone told me they could relate to one of my characters and such. Mark was amazing, he could make thousands of people happy, like I was when I listened to his music.

"I'm glad you love music, I love it so much as well. I really love the way it makes me feel. It's like I'm in my own world, just me and the band. I even like to think that if I weren't an author, I would sing. Haha, but I don't have that great of a voice to be honest." I said. I really liked singing and all, just not in front of people.  I knew how to play the piano and guitar too. 

"I'm sure that's not true. Your normal voice sounds beautiful. It's peaceful and has a nice ring to it. Kind of makes you want to listen to it nonstop." He got closer to me, so close that if any of us moved even a millimeter, we would be touching. I blushed at the way he complimented my voice.

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