Chapter 6

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Song of the Day: Sleep Alone by Two Door Cinema Club

Odette's POV:

I woke up and it was still dark, but the lights from my bathroom were on. I sighed. The power was back on finally. I remembered that I had left the lights from downstairs on. I smiled when I looked up at Mark's sleeping face. He was breathing heavily and his hair was messy, his eyelids fluttering. I grabbed his arms and slowly got them off me. I slid to the side and rested his hand on the bed then pulled the covers up over him again.

I went to my bathroom and blew the candle lights off. If I tried to carry all of them now, I would probably end up dropping them since I'm very clumsy. I would just do it in the morning. I went to the hallway and blew those off too then went downstairs and did the same. Then I turned the actual lights off and went downstairs and then went back upstairs and turned the light from the stairs off.

"Odette?" I heard a raspy voice say. I screamed and almost fell down the stairs, but Mark grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I smacked him in the chest softly.

"You scared the crap out of me Mark! Thank you for helping me!" I said, harshly. He laughed.

"Sorry. I woke up and realized you weren't there. I wondered where you had gone. I'm glad the power's back on." He said. I nodded.

"Me too." He grabbed my hand and yawned.

"Let's go back to bed." I blushed at that. We went back to bed and we layed down next to each other. I was about to get off again when I realized something. But he grabbed me and pushed me back down and hugged me close. He buried his face on my hair as he pushed me closer to his chest.

"Mark, what about the candles here?" I asked, my voice muffled from how close I was to his chest.

"Let them be, you're really comfy and warm. Reminds me of a stuffed animal." I laughed. What was he saying? Mark's such an idiot.

"If you keep laughing at me, I'll give you a real reason to laugh, if you know what I mean." I shut up, knowing he would probably tickle me. I sighed happily and just wiggled my arms in between us to rest them on his chest again.

He was really warm as well, it was a really comfortable position. Our bodies molded together perfectly. He let go to pull the covers over us and we went to sleep again.


I woke up and realized I was alone, Mark didn't have his arms around me. I opened my eyes and saw he really wasn't there. Did I dream all of it? I sighed and looked around then smiled. He was sitting on my desk chair, with my guitar in hand. It looked like he was about to start playing it.

He started playing it and I smiled. He was playing one of my favorites, 'Fire Escape' from their newest album. I smiled as he started humming it. He looked like and angel as he played. He was so into it, he hadn't noticed me get up yet. He finally ended it and I clapped. He turned to me, startled at first then smiled and bowed.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" I asked. He put my guitar away and went to the bed.

"Best sleep I've had in years actually." I smiled. I don't think I believe that, yet again, he did suffer from insomnia but seemed to sleep okay last night.

"Really? I wonder why?" I asked, crossing my legs. He crossed his legs as well, opposite of me.

"I think it's because I had my personal human-sized stuffed animal with me." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh really?" I asked. He nodded and I giggled.

"Okay, sure. Want some breakfast?" I asked. He nodded and I got off the bed and noticed all the candles had ran out, I would have to go buy new ones at Bath & Body Works. I smiled, I loved going in there, it always smelled extremely nice. I went downstairs and started making french toast and coffee. As well as some eggs and ham.

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