Chapter 7

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Song of the Day: You and I in Unison by La Dispute

Odette's POV:

"Where in the name of Chocolate is my blazer!?!" I yelled at no one in particular. I tended to say a lot of weird things when I was stressed. I exhaled loudly and rubbed my forehead. I couldn't find my yellow blazer anywhere. It was supposed to complete my outfit for my date with Mark today. Yesterday was pretty boring, I just worked on my book and did chores all day. I got up from the mess that was my closet and looked at my bed. Part of my outfit was just laying there, staring at me, waiting to be completed with. that. blazer.  It was nowhere to be found.

"Ode, are you okay? What's up? I thought you would be happy for your date today." I turned to see Angelica leaning on my door frame.

"I can't find my yellow blazer anywhere." I sighed. She stopped leaning and went to her room. She came back, holding my blazer. I went up to her and grabbed the blazer.

"Why did you have it?!" I asked, not mad, just excited to finally have it. She sighed.

"Ode, don't you remember you let me borrow it for that time I went to visit my grandma?" she asked. I facepalmed, then stroked my forehead from the sting. How could I not have remembered that? Angelica and I always share our clothes, except for her too-long, too-small jeans and my birth giving-wide hips and ass. I looked at the time.

"Oh my God! I need to hurry up!" I said, she laughed at me and left.

"You're welcome!" She shouted. I laughed.

"You know I am!" I went to change, since I had just taken a shower and started drying my hair. I was going to straighten it and then curl the very end, as well as pull my bangs out of my face by curling them to my side. I started on my make up: blush, mascara, eyeliner, a tiny bit of eyeshadow and lipstick. I finally put my blazer on, and my earrings. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, satisfied with the way I looked. I'm glad the skater skirt made my legs look longer, and the buttoned blouse was tucked in to make my waist look smaller. I sprayed a bit more perfume and picked up my purse.

I went downstairs and sat down next to Angelica on the couch. She smiled at me and whistled.

"Looking hot, bae." She winked and smirked, I rolled my eyes as we both laughed.

"So, did you pick up the mess?" She asked.

"Why should I?" I asked. She made a face at me.

"Really Ode? What if he wants to come back here? To you know... get it on." She said, winking. I blushed.

"Oh God, Ange. He wouldn't want to," I paused and bit my lip worriedly, "would he?" I asked. She nodded and pushed me towards the stairs.

"Go! Go!" I went up the stairs and thought about what she said. What if Mark really wants that? He is known to be like that, not as much as Pontious, but.... hmm. Would I let him? It's not like I've never done it. I mean, I was engaged to Steven and we did stuff. But would I let him? I don't want to just be with him for that, I wouldn't want to be used just for sex...

I was almost done with the last of things when I heard the doorbell ring, I froze and I heard the door open and Angelica greet Mark. I started to hurry up and started shoving things into drawers and my closet.

"Ode! Mark's here!" She shouted, I poked my head out of my closet (haha) and shouted back.

"I'll be down in a second!" I closed the door of my closet and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I arranged my outfit and sprayed a bit more perfume, a little more won't hurt. I sighed and smiled. I went downstairs and smiled when I saw Mark.

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