Chapter 5

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Song of the Day: Undisclosed Desires by Muse

Odette's POV:

I got home and it was really dark, I was glad that Pontious's house was only 5 minutes away without traffic. It was freezing and I ran to the door, partly because I didn't want to get murdered on the way or something. I got inside the house and turned on the lights, shivering and doing a little dance because of the cold.

It was really quiet. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, we should get a dog. I locked the door and all of the windows and other doors that led to the outside. I went to my room and got my pijamas. I went to take a bath to calm my nerves. I put on my music and even lit up some scented candles. I put my phone on the counter along with my bathrobe and got in and relaxed with the warm water and music.

I was singing along to "Westside" by The Kooks, when everything turned black. I was startled and splashed water everywhere. I panicked, was this a black out? Oh my God. Fortunatly, I had 5 candles to light the bathroom up. I was breathing really fast, I was scared. I didn't know what had caused it and I was just hoping it wasn't just this house or that it was prank, or worse, robbers. I heard my phone ring and I jumped. I was really jumpy when scared. I got out and wiped my hands on my towel. It was Mark. 

"Hello?" I asked, kind of out of breath because of my fast paced breathing.

"Odette, are you okay? We're having a black out at Ponsi's and I wanted to make sure you were okay if it happenend there too." He said, I smiled at his concern.

"I-I'm okay. Just a bit scared. It happenend here too. Really out of the sudden." I said, stuttering because of my quick breathing.

"Are you okay? What are you doing right now? Do you need me to come over? Angelica and Ponsi are also worried." He said. I blushed as I remembered I was still naked. Hadn't even wrapped a towel around myself. This was embarrassing, even if I knew he couldn't see me or anything.

"Uh, tell them I'm okay. I was kind of taking a bath when it happened. You don't need to come by. The power will come back soon enough." I said.

"I'm on my way." I heard him say.

"Wait, no I'm o-" He hunged up before I could say anything. I put my phone away and started to dry myself. Mark was coming, oh no. I said I was fine though. I put my bathrobe on and then mentally cursed when I realized I had forgotten to get any underwear. I grabbed my pijamas and went to my room and grabbed some underwear and quickly put it on under the robe but didn't bother with my pijamas for now. I needed to find lights before Mark got here.

I would never go downstairs without light by myselft, it's so damn dark. I went through my belongings, and finally found a flashlight as I heard the doorbell ring. I went downstairs.I opened the door slowly and flashed the light on his face by accident. He flinched and shut his eyes as he covered them.

"I'm so sorry Mark. I forgot these lights were blinding. Are you okay?" I asked. Putting a hand on his shoulder. I could barely see him, since I had turned the light away. It was really dark down here. He stopped rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine. How about you, are okay? Still scared?" He asked. I smiled.

"I'm fine, I told you. You didn't have to come all the way here, you know?' I said, smiling at the fact he did anyway.

"I wanted to though, you sounded really scared." He said. I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you." I said. I didn't know if he could actually see me smile though. I could only see his silhouette.

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