Chapter 20

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Song of the Day: Asleep by The Smiths

Odette's POV:

"Put your hands up!" I looked to the stairs slowly, after looking at Steven's terrified face. I saw several policemen and I sighed and looked back at Steven, this wasn't real. He came to me and grabbed my hair and put the knife to my throat.

"Stay back. Or- or, I'll kill her!" He said, warily and I was turned to see the policemen, who looked conflicted. I moved my eyes slowly to the top of the stairs as I blinked slowly and started to breathe heavily and slowly, I would be gone any moment now, it was too late.

"Odette!" My eyes widened the slightest bit as I saw a head peer through the stairs and I smiled slightly. He came for me. But then, I felt a sharp pain on my back, then a gun shot as I fell to the ground.

That coward couldn't even do it. I blacked out as my face hit the ground.


Mark's POV:

"Odette!" I yelled when I saw her from atop of the stairs, she was naked, and bloody and weak, with a knife at her throat. I could've cried but I saw her look at me, her eyes half closed and I knew she would be gone any moment now if I didn't do anything. I saw a small smile when she looked at me and I went forward and then... she was falling frontwards and a gunshot was fired, then he fell backwards. It all happened so fast, my ears started ringing, maybe because of the panic, or maybe because of the sound. But I ran forward, pushing the men and going to her. She was bleeding and losing blood fast. I heard a guy say the ambulance was on their way and I took off my jacket to put it on her.

I didn't know what to do, I feared if I carried her or touched her, she would crumble away and never wake up. I just knelt there, my pants soaking in her blood as I debated on what to do and was panicking. If I took the knife out, it would be worse, I couldn't see her face but I checked her pulse and it was low, but still there. I started to yelll.

"Where is the ambulance?!" Just as I asked, I heard the noise of the siren and sighed with short relief, she was still in danger, she could die and I started crying at the thought, I would never see her again and I didn't want that. I needed her, if she died I- I was being pulled away by some random arms as the medics carried her and I couldn't get my eyes off her, but I was struggling with the arms holding me back, all while I was crying in silent shock.

They carried her away and I struggled free and ran to her side. They headed out the door and I saw Angelica, who was crying and holding herself as she glanced at Odette, it was a good thing she hadn't gone in, she would have been even more traumatized. She looked at me and nodded, indicating I should go with Odette. She headed to her car and I was slightly worried over the fact if she would be okay to drive.

We arrived at the hospital and she was ripped away from me and taken to emergency. All through out the ride here, I couldn't bring myself to actually touch her, I just stared and cried silently. It was my fault. If I hadn't been a dick and caused her to break up with me, she would've been safe and I could've maybe convinced her to come with me or something. But death was ringing at her doorbell and I couldn't even touch her or try and protect her, like I said I would.

Angelica arrived and she was still crying really hard, I was on a seat, tapping my foot impatiently and stood up when she burst towards me. She tackled me with a hug and I hugged her back as she cried into my shoulder. I was shocked at first, because we had never been this close to be honest, but then quickly hugged her back, as we both needed comforting right now.

"She's strong, she won't leave us. I believe in her." She sobbed, and I started crying harder as I just nodded and held her like a child who had just lost his favorite person in the whole world. I cried and cried and she rubbed my back, she was comforting me now as she just sobbed. After hours, we were still hugging, just supporting each other. We saw the doctor head towards us, a woman, who reminded me of my mother, with a reassuring expression. We both stood up alarmingly.

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