Love Come

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Summer 2020, Bar Café

You don't know how to perform with the nervousness getting to your body. This is the first time you performing in front of the people after months of lockdown caused by pandemia. Since there's not much job for you and not much money, you had to take the part on this event. You try to avoid hearing voices from next room and need to concetrate on the notes for piano. This is the song you've written with so much heart to it, thinking of love – your exgirlfriend - you once lost, and you want to play and sing it perfectly.

Your dream was to become a famous songwriter, but after that heartbreaking breakup, you lost the faith in any kinds of dreams. You couldn't sing a note for a year. Only sad piano sound was your friend.

You arrive on the stage with such a nostalgic feeling. The lights are off and you are kind of relieved. This is the day of your return and you start to play first notes. There's only a few guests and no one really pays attention to you.

Just great. You think as you start to sing the lyrics.

Love come light up the shadows
Let the beauty of you enter in
For I have hungered for a tender touch
A long and lonely time

You almost got emotional, as always, but somebody caught your eye.

The silhouette of the woman sitting in dark corner at the table for one. Pale skin and blond hair. You try to look at the piano before you, luckily, you know the part playing it even subcontiously.

I've seen much more than I want to
So much anger so much pain
A line is drawn and lives are torn apart
The wounds too hard to hear

She looks up to you, raised eyebrows, and you notice the familiar gaze. You are sure she's the only one really listening. You're instantly amazed by her eyes. The bluest blue you have ever seen. Suddenly, shock goes through you.

This can't be. Not possible. No. What is Cate Blanchett doing in the local bar?! Omg, she is watching me perform!

You lock eyes with hers and your hands begin to shake. 

This is gonna be a looong five songs.

Song For You/ Cate Blanchett fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin