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When that fucking photographer took your picture, things started to change fast. Cate was busy presenting Tara, and week after week you were either at screenings, photo shoots, interviews... But how did your relationship, which was supposed to remain a secret, fit in? Easy, actually.

After the photos appeared online and in the media, you tried to figure out how to comment on it and wished you could disappear from the world. Sure, you were worried about your career, but you were more worried about Cate. 

But one day, she surprised you. 

"Darling, look at this," Cate said in a calm voice, handing you her phone. Cate's fan page on Instagram posted a photo of the two of you together, and there were thousands of comments below it, all of them positive and kind. 

"Why are you showing me this?" you asked Cate, who smiled, took your hand and led you to the couch where you both sat down. 

"You were supposed to be my wife officially...I don't want to do this anymore," Cate lowered her eyes and you suddenly started to shake with fear at what she was about to say. "I don't want to pretend anymore. For anyone. This is the time we've been waiting for. We have to go out, together. We need to be seen and live honestly," Cate said, getting up and walking away. 

To your surprise, however, she came right back with a notebook. "These are the points I wrote down to fulfill in my life. Look, it's all done. Only one thing, the most important thing remains," the blonde showed you the page where it was written in small but beautiful handwriting: Live by my heart with the love of my life. 

That's too much for you and you want to cry. Plus, it's pretty much the same line you used in your theme song, but you don't want to tell Cate that yet. 

Later, you agreed that Cate's family would just have to accept it, and strangely enough, it happened very quickly. Andrew was flattered because the public support for your relationship was so overwhelming that he had no chance of holding anything against you. And so now you're sitting here, at another screening of Tara, watching your love perfectly describe the making of the big movie and everything she had to learn. Cate just has a multitalent for everything. When the host has sufficiently got all the answers, you think it's over and soon you'll be hugging and cuddling in the hotel, talking about all your plans and feelings, just like you always do after a social event. 

Nice and quiet, just the two of you, no world, just you...


Before you can come out of your thoughts, you're interrupted by a huge applause and blinded by the spotlight, just like when you're at a concert. 

"Oh, she's shy," Cate laughs, waving at you. 

Before you can catch your breath, someone pushes you towards the stage and up the stairs. Cate immediately grabs your hands as if you're about to run away and strokes them. That calms you down. "I hope I didn't scare you too much," Cate continues to laugh, and you begin to understand that this was her plan all along. To officially introduce you as her girlfriend.

"Look, I just wanted to tell you that...but what the hell." Cate speaks to the crowd while taking your cheeks gently with both hands, then winks at you and starts to kiss you. There's a few minutes of applause and a roar of delight from the audience. You're lost in her breath and when you open your eyes, you're wading in her blue...


Then, hand in hand, you answer a few questions and are welcomed into the world as an official couple. Later, Cate was acting like someone had injected something into her vein. When you got backstage, she jumped around you excitedly like a little kid and kept describing how amazing it all was. And she was right. 

,,Have you seen it?" she asked you and made you laugh. 

,,You know, I was there, right? Your dementia is starting to kick in..." you tease her. But there is this warm feeling in your heart. You're happy. 

When you left the theater, there were a few fans waiting outside, obviously for Cate, but you were surprised by a group of girls holding your picture, asking for your autograph and mentioning your music. 

But you didn't even get to enjoy it properly because someone attacked Cate. 

"Disgusting faggot!" yelled a nasty male voice and Cate screamed. Someone threw a rock at her, luckily it only hit her ankle and was immediately detained by security and the police, but it was such a traumatic experience that you held Cate all the way back to the hotel in a complete convulsion, convinced that you would never let her go again. 

But she was smiling. "This was bound to happen sometime, my love. I mean, I wasn't expecting it five minutes after our performance...but these things are imminent," Cate shrugged, anger welling up inside of you. 

"How can you be calm and make fun of this? I was scared! I AM scared! What if he did something to you? We're not going anywhere, ever! You're just gonna be with me all the time and..." you're trying to find the words. 

"Okay, Lara Croft. Are you gonna let me go to the bathroom, or am I banned from that forever, too?" laughs Cate, who clearly doesn't take the situation seriously. 

"I'm not kidding. I'm serious, you know how scared that was for me? I won't survive if something happens to you. I can't take it, I just...," you pull Cate close again, and only now does she seem to realize that you really are scared to death. 

"I will be fine, Y/N, I promise. I played fucking Lydia Tár, I know how to take care of myself. I'm just happy enough that even some son of a bitch can't ruin it for me. But I understand. And it hurts like hell," Cate added, pointing at her leg. 

You've been stroking and nursing her ankle all evening. Cate didn't want to call the doctor, so you didn't push. But at least you could take care of her injury yourself. Maybe it's time to show her your secret...

Maybe it's soon...

But eventually, you listen to your heart's voice and you take the box out of your suitcase and put it on the bed. You feel a sudden nervousness, but Cate's watching you, so there's no turning back. 'You know, I came across something I really liked and I thought if it still applies, I know what I'm going to wear...But of course it's just an idea and I know that after this experience, it's probably the last thing on the agenda right now,' you start to drown in your thoughts. 

Cate, however, surprises you as always. "I wanted to talk about it but I kind of decided myself, and I don't know if you'll like the idea, but I have a date and a place. I want to marry you, I want to be with you, I want...forever," Cate kneels on the bed in front of you and emotionally shatters you with her last words before sweet and passionate lovemaking. 

"All my life I've dreamed of you. Don't ever leave me."

Hi guys, 

I think I'm gonna write one or maybe two chapters and that's it. I can't decide, if I should make happy ending or not, lol. But I want to work on my other story Dance of your life. 

Also, I am so sad about the Oscar thing and Cate "losing"...Hope she's okay. 

Song For You/ Cate Blanchett fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant