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When you and Cate came back from vacation, everything was perfect, sun-drenched. It was like all your worries had drifted away. You spent a few days at your house, and then you went to Berlin.

Cate has to make a film there. The whole production knows Cate's getting a divorce. The asshole threatened her at first, but she finally managed to cut a deal with his lawyer by offering him a few percent of her future earnings. She's soon to be divorced, which of course the media found out and are digging into what happened.

First they wrote that Cate had put her career first, then that she had both a mistress and a lover. But no one thought the fucker was hurting her. Andrew came out of it a saint. I mean, what else could he be? You're trying to be there for Cate, to help her forget and focus on a future together.

The movie "Tár" is crucial to both of you. Not only are you helping to score the film, but you and Cate are spending every spare moment she has between takes, and for the first time as a couple. The entire crew knows this, and they've promised Cate that your relationship is safe from the press here. She wants to wait a little longer, for her kids' sake. And you are afraid of being the guilty one. 

Who would want to be the reason of divorce of Cate Blanchett? Well, you would..but...

'There you are! ' You hear Cate's voice and feel her arms wrap around you from behind. This feeling never gets old.

You stare at her as if you're seeing her for the first time. 'Earth to my woman,' Cate laughs and kisses you. 'We're done for the week. The scene outside the school was something. They made me say, 'Ich bin der vater von Petra! ' The blonde gesticulates, clearly in a good mood.

'And what does that mean?' you ask stupidly. You were never good at German and after a few attempts to learn the basics, you gave up.

'That I am Petra's daddy. ' Cate declares with a serious face and you burst out laughing.

'So that's my new favorite line. Should I include it in my songs? ' You tease the woman you love so much.

'Oh shut up! ' Cate seals your mouth with her lips again. Then she got changed and you went for a dinner where she made you laugh and feel incredible. 

The blonde also talked about how much the character of Lydia has taught her in life. You've always admired Cate's choice of roles and it's true that she's never made a mistake. You secretly wish she'd get another Oscar, and you'll be by her side.

A few hours later, you were arguing about who was skinnier as you lay naked in bed. Cate says you're like a feather. But you told her she looked like a gorgeous model, which obviously amused her.
'It's funny how you think that models are almost 60 years old people with slow brain' Cate says. 

'No, I think models are almost 55 years old people with slow brain, my Armani girl,' you laugh and she slaps your ass. 

'Hahaha, funny. But even though I'm slow, I remember one thing. You should buy some dress, my darling.' Cate says like it's about buying pyjamas. When you think, what she's talking about, she adds. 'You don't want to get married in jeans, my darling, do you?' 

You want to cry, because she has your wedding still on her mind. You didn't want to talk about it. She just got divorced and maybe it was just and idea...but now she blew you away. You kiss her and the rest of the night you google wedding dress stores in area. 

The following weeks are in a similar vein. Every morning you watch Morag doing Cate's make-up. Her divine face. And you love the clothes Lydia Tar wears. Cate looks incredibly beautiful, and every day you look forward to the evening when you can reward her with a proper and passionate reward. 

Sex with Cate just keeps getting better and better.You could touch her all the time. Her blue eyes always bore into your soul when she orgasms. Several times you've been so loud you've been embarrassed. Plus, you're happy that even though Andrew was hurting Cate, and a few months ago everything seemed to have no light at the end of the tunnel, it turns out that when Cate is with you, she feels safe.

And you feel good, too. Some of the lyrics to songs you wrote aren't so depressing anymore. Not to mention, that you secretly chose dress to surprise Cate. When you sang one of your songs, Cate said it was familiar to her.

'No, it's not. ' You wonder.

'Yes, it is t is Y/N. You sang it to yourself a few months ago when we were dancing. I know it's the song."

And that, thanks to Cate, is how your theme song for the tour came about. All you have to do is quickly type the beginning of the lyrics into your phone and sing a bit of the melody as the lightning flashes make you almost blind.

The camera flashes of the journalists standing outside the window.

10 months later

You squirm in your chair with nervousness. It's almost dark in the hall, but several people have already recognized you. You've gained nearly two million Instagram followers in the past few months, and right now, you'd rather be invisible.Cate should be sitting next to you, you should be holding hands and being here together. Instead, you're looking at a blank canvas and a black-and-white sign that says Tár.

When you turn to the clicking sound, the camera flash blinds you just like it did then.

Like the last time everything went wrong.

Song For You/ Cate Blanchett fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now