Building A Mystery

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After make out session, she pulls you down beside her. You lay next to each other on the bed, both staring into eyes. She places her hand on your hip and moves closer to you.

" This...feels incredible. What are you thinking, Y/X? " She whispers, not breaking the eye contact.

You are careful with your answer. "Well, I'm thinking about the song." You're telling the truth. "and about how incredibly beautiful you are. What are YOU thinking?"

She smiles and closes her eyes. "I am thinking about...what is the meaning of soulmates, and how much I don't wish this to end. "

"I won't let it end. " And with that you caress her amazing cheekbones.

You feel like you don't want to rush things. Of course, you wouldn't say no to having sex with her, but you are both on more emotional level. You are falling for her so deep and you secretly wish she would, too. But that is impossible.

You cover her naked body with a blanket and press yourself to her. You're letting her know, that you're here for her, in any way she wishes. She holds you tight and starts to fall asleep. You watch her, you can never have enough of her.

This must be dream. Did she want to do more? What if she waits for me to take the first step?She is beautiful and so sexy naked. Could we stay together like this forever?

And with too many questions, you fall asleep.

You wake up and start to remember the events of previous night.


You feel empty space next to you, you open your eyes and...nothing. She is not here.

Okay. Maybe she went downstairs. Maybe it was just a dream. Did she change her mind about me?

You get up and go to your bedroom looking for your phone. You sit down on the bed and switch on the phone. Suddenly you feel something covering your eyes.

"Good morning, darling. " You turn your head to the low voice and there she is. The sun from the outside shines through her skin, she looks like a creature from other world.

You smile and kiss her. "Good morning. I was sure for a while that you were just my dream. "

She gives you kiss, too. "Come with me, I prepared breakfirst for us." She takes your hand into hers and leads you downstairs, then to the garden. You are really surprised by what you see. She made pancakes, coffee, tea and put flowers everywhere, only for you.

"I know I can do better but I was very limited by time.. " She says unsure.

"Cate...this is..perfect. You are perfect. No one has ever done something like this for me before. Thank you." You say and feel you tears on your cheeks.

"Oh darling, this is the smallest thing I could do, you deserve so much more, trust me. And thank you for letting me stay and for the night.. " She is blushing now.

You hug her and kiss her again. This time more intimately. She sits down and you sit on her lap. You are happy to feel her so close. You both start to eat and she makes jokes which cracks you up. You talk to her about what kind of jokes you make, which makes her laugh. That is the music you want to hear for the rest of your life.

You observe her when she's happy. New side of her. She has the lines around her eyes and mouth, which you find mesmerizing. You have always had a thing for older women, but this is something different. She is 51, you are 30, but you feel so connected to her that it's almost scary.

When you're done with the breakfirst, you're staying in silence, sitting in chairs, once in a while look at each other, enjoying the sun. You know you need to ask her a few things.

"Can I ask you something." You start.

She agrees so you continue.

"Are you gonna go back to him? "

She stares at you kindly. Her blue eyes pinning into your soul.

She knows why you're asking this, stupid.

"Well, I will have to, eventually. I have to pack my suitcase for my flight, I will fly to Canada to shoot the movie, you know. But that is three weeks from now. And I will have to spent some time with my children. They are with my mother in Sydney.

I know why you ask. My answer is no, I will not go back to him, darling. I only need to rent something..."

You interrupt her.

"No you don't. "

"Oh...Oh! No I could not accept such an offer. That is crazy and I am not a good company for living, trust me. " She looks down.

"Cate, I will be happy If you stay. The house is big enough and I'm worried about you..I don't want you to be with him, what if he's gonna.. " You say.

"Are you sure? ..Allright then, but you tell me when you want me to leave, ok? And also, it is only for a few weeks. "

"Like that would ever happen with Cate Blanchett! And..okay." You say and you both start to laugh.

Soon she is kissing you, you are aroused and you can say she is, too. Then she whispers in your ear. "You're going to get really tired of me." And she licks your neck with her tongue.

Your won't let her get what she wants, at least not that easily.

"I've always knew you have a thing for a women, Ms. Blanchett." And with that you intertwine fingers with her and lead her back in the house.

I can't help myself.

Hi guys,

Thanks for reading! <3

I was thinking about writing Cate POV, what do you think?

Thanks! xx

Song For You/ Cate Blanchett fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now