Separate Lives

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The sound of door closing wakes you. You don't know if it's Jenny leaving or..


You flinch. Right..Cate is in your bed. You forcefully open your eyes and turn around to look at her. She is laying on her right hip and with her eyes burried in you. So beautiful, you could stare at her for the rest of your life.

"You slept well? " You ask her. "I did, Y/N...I should go." She starts to get up and looks around the room.

You don't say anything, actually you want to stop her but you have Jenny, Cate hurt you and you have to keep your cool and get over her.

"Where will you stay, Cate? " Why don't you shut up, Y/N."Do not worry, I know where to hide. I am glad you're happy and that I could see you. " "But wait, why all the hiding? What about your career? What about your kids? " "Y/N, it is complicated...I need to think and find myself, I can't come back to the life before you. And my career? That will wait, it is not so important right now. The kids are with him so...It's just me. I know you don't want to hear what I need to say... "

You want to keep asking her more, to hear more, but she made her choice, then and now again.

"Okay, take care..." You turn around from her not to show your teary eyes. "Thank you." Cate says as she closes the door and then...she's gone.

You close your eyes, wishing the pain would stop. You miss her already. You never stopped.

Cate's POV

I close the door and wait for a minute behind it. I hear Y/N cry. I want to go back, to hold her, kiss her, be with her but she hates me. She didn't even wasn't happy to see me.

I fucked everything up.

I ran from Andrew, but it's too late. I should have stayed with her, but I was too scared. Too scared be who I am, too scared show the world our love. And too scared that my children won't forgive me.

So I ran. Fast, not thinking, to hide, to hope. To her, well, in my mind at least.

I've read what they wrote...funny. Suddenly,I was the most wanted person in the world, witch hunt, I would say. They dug everything up, Andrew's affairs, my so called 'new embraced homosexuality', my career choices, they even went to ask people from my childhood what kind of person I used to be as a girl, and everything about me was linked either to my father's death or my alcoholism. I was looking through the Facebook and Instagram, not only to see those articles about me, but I watched Y/N. I knew that there was going to be a time I would visit her. So I did.

But she doesn't love me anymore and I don't know what to do with my life. I couldn't sleep, I watched her all night, listening her breath....whispering in my head that I love her....

I step outside from her house, looking around. A cigarette will do it, riiight. As I lit up the cigarette, I take the hood on as the rain starts to fall on my eyelashes.

I am 52 years old woman and my life is misery. As I laugh to myself, I take the last look at her house and I start to walk away.

"Cate! "Okay, now I hear voices in my head. Have I gone crazy? "Cate, please wait!"

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