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You smile at some random woman and continue to walk to the studio. You started to do some yoga to help you relax and life has become...well, bearable. You have made a lot of progress in music, too. Your songs has been released online and you made some good money of it.

Not to mention many concerts ahead of you, even with pandemia continuing.

Life is good.

You hear the sound of the message so you read it quickly.

Hey cutie, I made you dinner, tonight at my place? 😊 .

Your girlfriend, Jenny, is really nice person. You have lot of things in common and she makes you laugh. You like her and maybe..maybe there is some future for you two as a pair. You moved to New York and she was the first girl you've met. Being new in a foreign country with no friends around, you accepted her and then you started dating. Plus, the city has the fresh vibe and you feel like you can be whoever you want.

You reply to her that you're looking forward to it and spend some time with playing and recording in studio until late evening.

An hour later, you are sitting at the apartment at 24th floor and cuddling with Jenny on sofa, watching some crap on television. The moment you get up to get a drink from kitchen, you hear the news.

An oscar winning actress dissapeared. Cate Blanchet, a star of the latest movies as Borderlands and Don't Look Up, went missing three days ago. Her husband, Andrew Upton, stated that she hasn't packed her belongings and left her mobile phone in their home. Police has no suspect od potential kidnapper. The rumors about the divorce ....

You stay silent at shock. You erased her from your memory. You erased everything. You stopped looking on the internet, stopped watching movies and social media, just because of the heartbreak she caused you.

The pain inside you wants to come out but you won't let that happen. Not now, when you've finally forgot.

You take a look at the screen again with deep breath. There's Andrew speaking to the camera, looking very sad.

Son of a bitch.

What if he killed her and now he plays nice boy? What if...No, no, no. It is not your concern anymore. The police will do the best and that's it.

But you hope she's okay, though.

"What is it, Cate? Just tell me. " You ask her, knowing that this is bad. She holds the letter in her shaking hands and stares at him.

"You fucking wretch!? " She tells him. "I would never consider signing this! And You cannot do this. I will sue you! " Cate screams that you are almost scared of her.

"Well, I can, can I, Lisa? " He smiles at the publicist and she nods.

"And you! You are fired you snake! " Now, Cate shouts at her.

They are arguing some more as you get sick. You run to bathroom, after some amazing minutes spent throwing up, you come back to them and wait for some kind of sign of her looking at you at least.

But no. She doesn't.

Andrew and Lisa left, satisfied of course.

She turns to you with cold stare. Her blues are shining with desperation.

"Y/N.. "

"Y/N? "

You hear Jenny waking you from your trance.

"Are you okay? You look like you've met some scary ghost in the kitchen. "

You realise you weren't present and got lost in your head. Jenny doesn't know about Cate and you want to keep it that way.

"I'm fine, I just got lightheaded, don't worry. " You try to pull sincere smile out of you.

"Okay. Come here. " She places her arm around your shoulders. "It's terrible, right? Imagine this, the most famous actress dissapears. That's crazy! Everyone on this planet know her. So how can she be lost? "

"Hmm..don't know..."

"Maybe she is scared, lost and unhappy. Money ain't everything. I would surely help her to hide if she asked me. Imagine that she knocks on the door and you would be only one who knows where she is!!! "

Ironic how this could've been true a year ago. But you don't want to think about her.

"Let's have a nice night together, just you and me, okay? " And with that you kiss your girlfriend. 

Song For You/ Cate Blanchett fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora