Merry Christmas babe-Jack Fenton

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Hey it may not be Christmas anymore but god damn it this may be one of Keanu's most purest characters ever


*clears throat*anyways let's just start the oneshot

Daisy's pov
I was fast asleep in my room,unaware that it was snowing.i was also unaware of all the presents under the tree,suddenly my little brother Issac slammed open my room door,"Daisy!Daisy!wake up its Christmas!"he cheered as he jumped up and down my bed."well looks like I'm not gonna get more sleep."I thought as I woke up,I yawned as Issac held my fingers and led me down the stairs.i saw my parents were already downstairs,"morning dear!"my mom said."morning mom,morning dad."I yawned,after opening all of our gifts Issac began to play with the toys he got for Christmas.suddenly there was a knock on the door,"I'll get it."i said as I got up from the floor.i rubbed my eyes and unlocked the door,I opened the door and saw my boyfriend Jack.

I gasped,my face immediately lit up."Jack!"i exclaimed as I hugged him,"merry Christmas babe!"he said happily as he hugged me back."I brought gifts as he reveal a big bag full of presents behind his legs,"oh you didn't have to do that Jack."my mom said."yay more presents!"Issac cheered,I laughed.after we gave Issac some presents(as well as my parents)it was now my turn to be given presents,"I wanted to give you this gift first because I've been contemplating about this for a while."he said as he dug into the bag.he then handed me a wrapped little box,"I asked your parents for permission and they said yes,"he added as I unwrapped it.i gasped when I opened the box,revealing a ring."Daisy,will you marry me?"he asked,I immediately began to tear up."of course I will Jack!"I sobbed as I hugged him,Issac cheered while my parents hugged.

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