Two things

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1) I haven't mentioned my new son yet so here:

His name is Oreo Mayonnaise Communism III: Duke of HellHe's a rather glorious entityI do love him

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His name is Oreo Mayonnaise Communism III: Duke of Hell
He's a rather glorious entity
I do love him


b) we have to do these English speaking exam thingies in school soon
And you basically do a presentation kinda thing about something your passionate about

I decided in a spark of inspiration last night to do mine about queer representation in media

And I've been making some notes about things I wanna talk about and

I've got a fair bit
I dunno the time limit for this thing but I'm sure I'm gonna have to cut things down

But idk, as inspiration for Anime_and_gaming_fan or something, Imma share it with y'all

Examples of poor representation
1) Disney (in general) - just... do better, no one wants a throwaway character with literally one line mentioning their queerness - how many times have we heard the headline "Disney's first gay character"

2) Sherlock (BBC series) - imagine mocking the fans for shipping a ship you were so clearly hinting at - such a disappointment that there was a whole conspiracy about this stuff

3) Supernatural - fifteen years of queerbaiting all for this?? Yet another conspiracy made due to how poor this was *incoherent angry mumbling for all those poor fans* - bury your gays trope

4) Voltron - I don't know much about it but they made a character apparently have feelings for another despite literally not showing anything beforehand

5) Dumbledore

Examples of good representation
1) The Owl House - Luz (bi) & Amity (lesbian) - Disney's first TRUE gay character - portrays Amity's crush on Luz like any other crush - the only romance the show has even somewhat focused on so far - well built relationship - also Willow's two dads (it's just a nice touch)

2) Adventure Time - Marceline and Bubblegum - hints at a past/blossoming relationship - cute cottagecore lesbians in Obsidian

3) Steven Universe - it's Steven Universe, what do you want me to say (Peridot) - also non binary creator (she/they pronouns)

4) Falsettos/Rent - literally just... idk how to summarise it so I'll probs just ramble bc these are both real good

5) Willow/Live from Averno/Averno as a whole - I could ramble about this for hours

6) Celeste - Madeline - she's trans!! I love her!! Has a trans flag shown in her room (not a major one but definitely appreciated)

Harmful tropes
1) Bury your gays - I literally don't have to say much - a character is revealed to be gay/is in a queer relationship and one if not both of them die. Do better

2) Stereotypes - particularly a problem when straight actors portray queer characters (trans people characters ) - gives a harmful impression of what queer people are like

3) The slim, white, gay cis male - listen, it's still representation, but it's the one you'll see the most - give us lesbians, bi, trans, pan, non binary, aro and ace people, and give us them in different shapes and races and all that

4) Making it a big deal - give us queer stories or stories with queer characters that aren't centred around coming out

5) Queer villains - don't get me wrong, I'm sure many people would gladly have a lesbian villain in a story, but don't make your only queer person a villain, it just implies that queer people are bad

It's a fair bit
But oh well
I was literally brainstorming it last night and now I've written it down so that's snaz

But yea
That's all

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