Another thing

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That I love about Lizzy and Eva's dynamic is that

Lizzy has been raised in a wealthy environment so she's got all these manners and etiquette rules drilled into her and has likely been to a lot of formal events

And then there's Eva who swears like a sailor, doesn't care all too much for "proper" etiquette and has both ADHD and anxiety so she just straight up despises formal events

Combine those two and put them in a situation where they go to a ball and antics will ensue

This all came about bc
I was doodling Lizzy in a dress and I was like, I'm gonna add Eva too
So we've got Lizzy in this really nice and pretty outfit
And Eva's wearing-
Y'know what, I'll just show you

Never mind, can't get a good quality pic of me sketch

Either way
Eva's outfit is a lot less formal than Lizzy's

And I just love them for that

K bye bye

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