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Things are going absolutely mental




The beast
My little sister
She was on a group chat with a bunch of other people in her year group

These guys are year 6
Literal ten year olds

And they swear like sailors
They swear more than I do
More than any of my friends do

Like y'know how I'm often like "yea, Eva swears a lot"

we thought it was just a certain selection of these little shits who said it

But apparently the beast said some things

I'm gonna defend her actually
She genuinely regrets it (she's sobbing like hell)
And also
She said it in retaliation to some of the people who were being really rude to her
Which is why I defend her

Because I get it

The amount of times I've been really pissed at someone in the past few years (before I started swearing) and wanted to just tear them apart is ridiculous

(Which is shocking bc I'm not a very angry person)

I'll talk about those specific people more a different time but you get the idea

Don't like them

She's no longer on the group chat

And there's a chance that she may have not said it
But like only a small chance she didn't

But yea
Fun :/

All the people on that chat are just
God I know they're only ten


Most of them are little pieces of shit

My sister and a few others are exceptions
Based on what I know
Anime_and_gaming_fan 's brother is pretty valid

My mum also called them little shits so it's true
100% true :3

It's crazy
The most someone said when I was in primary school was liek...
God I don't think it was even a swear word
It was like...
Piss or something

I'm flashing back to when I was a small child (like ten) and watched this minecraft youtuber called batclone
And me and Moose were getting all worried and said to our mum "he only says the c word (crap) and that's it" "he doesn't actually swear"

Literally my lil sister started actively swearing (age wise) before I even dared to flip someone off, let alone say fuck

K that's all

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