We've established in the past that when it comes to my OC Makoto...

I'm a lil iffy when it comes to her romance with Goro

There's this scene which literally goes like:
"Hmm... Makoto, have you ever been in a relationship?"

"No, what made you ask that?"
"Wait what? But your almost eighteen, how have you not?! Have you even had someone ask you out before?"
"Maybe once or twice."
"Why didn't you accept their confessions?"
"Because love confuses me. I just don't get it, like what's the point of devoting your life to another when you can devote it to yourself?" I ask.
"You've read romances before, right? Having a partner can make you happy, brighten your miserable day."
"Why would I need someone like that when I have you guys?"


You can see why
I'm angry that I didn't make her aro ace
You could show me that scene without context and I'd probably think that's an Eva scene
(The only exception to that is that Eva's almost fifteen, not almost eighteen)

But I remedied the situation as best as my smooth brain could by making her demiromantic (which is a perfectly valid and wonderful label, as an aro ace myself, I support you demis)

There are still some problems, even with that change

Makoto and Goro just don't have the same chemistry with each other that some of my other couples (or even non couples) have

Like Eva and Cas have peek chemistry with each other, like they get along amazingly, but even if Eva wasn't aro ace, I wouldn't dare make them a couple (there was a time like at the very start where I considered making Eva bi and her and Cas was not a ship I ever had planned)

But yeah
They're just kinda there

But you wanna know who Makoto does have good chemistry with???

That's right

And considering I might rewrite head hunters because the first was so... special...
I might change things up a lil

Also I'm finally gonna make Ren non binary

That came out of nowhere, so I'll elaborate

In my initial plans with this cast of characters then ended up being plonked into head hunters
Ren and Makoto were the main ones out of the protagonists
And Ren was non binary and like

Why did I change that???? Like Ren could've been my first non binary character but I just said no????

Past me is a coward. ESPECIALLY when it comes to Cas Carmen (I'll elaborate in a bit)

There are also some name changes that are gonna happen bc what the fuck is this shit, I really named pretty much everyone after Persona 5 characters

I also removed the twins because those two had literally no impact on the plot
Our new cast of characters is officially:

Makoto Nakajima - she/her - 17
Mai Kazama - she/her - 18 (ish)
Giichi Sugiyama - he/him - 18 (Goro)
Mitsuha Sugiyama - she/they - 16
Haruka Yamashita - she/her - 18 (Haruko)
Rin Tanaka - he/they - 17 (Ren)
Ichirou Watanabe - he/him - 18 (Izu)

I made their surnames more authentic and changed up the first names so only Makoto is stolen from Persona 5 now

But yeah
Very snaz if I do say so myself

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