Choosing to pursue art instead of anything STEM related is the biggest "fuck you" I could give to any of my teachers and I am so here for it

My mother makes a very good point
I have a passion for art
Not science or coding or any of that shit
I spend like every second of every fucking day doing artsy things

And she doesn't even know about my writing hobby

So we might do a little change when it comes to what options I take as I am still able to do that
And we're not entirely sure what yet
Bc I'm indecisive and I also haven't been thinking about it for that long

I think this will probably be better for me

Whilst some people say it's a good thing (my mum said it as such)

I don't like being good at all the subjects I take
Like sure, I've literally only got the equivalent of A's and above
And that's cool and it's nice to be good at things

But when I have so many options it's hard to choose

Like, there are some that I'm immediately like "nope"
And I can't even take history as it's in the same option block as art

I dunno
I'm really tired and I just can't wait for the holidays so I can rest

I know I said I was going to sleep earlier and then immediately came back on here straight after
But I think I genuinely will now bc I'm a mess and haven't had an early night at all this year
I've not even been in bed by midnight the past few days

This might be getting a little deep and intense for something that has "now with furbys" in the title but fuck it
It's a rant book for a reason

And if you are a friend and you read this, don't worry, I am okay
I think online school has just taken a toll on me and I can only last so long before having a bit of a meltdown

But hey
One more day left of school then I can sleep all I want

I feel very gross right now tho
I'm all snotty
And my sleeve is wet bc I'm in that mode where the tears don't stop bc I'm really tired but also I feel pretty much okay other than that

I also have a headache
But that might be bc of the crying and how I am already dehydrated as FUCK without tears

I was going to word that last sentence in a less vulgar way but my nan texted me to reassure me about school stuff and I forgot what words I was planning to type so I just winged it

Me, earlier: "ok I said I'd go to sleep earlier and then I didn't so now I ACTUALLY will"
Me now: still writing this darn chapter

Listen, I just wanna hug my friends dammit

I hung out in the snow with God the other day and honestly it was so good I just want things to be fucking normal again

I just thought I'd use this time to ramble

We love not realising when you feel shitty until right at the last minute

K bye

Random Rants 5: Now with FurbysWhere stories live. Discover now