My favourite thing

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Is when there's a big plot reveal during and chapter of Cursed/Scarred and I just kinda end the chapter with a Nova note that's all like ":0" and I just don't mention it again (except from in the actual story of course)

I say that bc I did a big reveal in the most recent chapter

And I kinda very slightly hinted at it but it was certainly a lot harder to figure out than another plot point earlier on in Scarred

I had introduced this character called Apollo and Cassie and Hunter were supposed to help him find his brother
And there are supposed to be subtle hints to tell you who his brother is

But no
Instead of subtle hints I basically just said


And just

It didn't go according to plan

On an entirely unrelated note
I met up with the glorious Nimbus and Ravenclaw4DaWin the other day and we walked around the woods

I haven't been to the woods in a while
And there were clearly a handful of insects there

Specifically my life long nemesis
The gnat

Fucking hate them

I was (and still kinda am) allergic to gnat bites
They aren't that bad now but when I was younger they'd become really huge with these big heads of puss and

They were really itchy and awful and painful as well

And so these gnats at the woods decided to bite me all over my legs
(Through my leggings I guess???)

And although my reaction isn't as bad to them now as it used to be, the first gnat bites I get each year tend to be the worst
And you see where I'm going with this one
Bc I have barely left the house since March

But yeah I have like four on my hip (that's such a strange place to get them tho??) all like bundled together and I hate them

Also find it really strange that I got bites on my legs despite wearing leggings
But I spent a good period of time with my hoodie off/with the sleeves rolled up, and I have zero bites on my arm

In conclusion:
I'm kinda bad at writing plot twists and I have like 12 gnat bites on my leggies

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