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People on the internet really do suck

This is specifically targeted at the people who forced Cavetown into a situation where he had to come out as trans to everyone before he was ready to
(He was a "stealth" trans which basically means they present themselves as their actual gender (instead of their birth gender) but they just don't tell people they're trans, often for safety or comfort)

Kinda reminds me of a situation that happened earlier this year(?) where someone forced a certain youtuber to come out as trans
I'm referring to what happened with Nikkietutorials
Liek it's amazing to know that someone so iconic and well known can serve as an idol for trans people
But she clearly didn't want to come out at the time and it's a shame that she was forced to


People (especially celebrities/content creators that you don't know personally) don't owe you anything about their gender, sexual or romantic orientation

If they want to share it with the world
They will when they're ready

That's all I wanted to say
Bye bye

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