Things are getting wild
In general

My half-sister was born today
8 days early
I wasn't even expecting it, I had just finished eating my chicken nuggets when my sister came downstairs with our dad on a FaceTime call showing the baby

But hey, her due date was Valentine's Day so at least she wasn't four days late and thus sharing a birthday with me

I mean, my due date was also Valentine's Day

But like
He hasn't told us her name?????
Seems like a pretty important thing to know but whatever

I also haven't met her yet
But I have seen pictures and she is cute
We've purchased a monkey toy for her off of Amazon which should be arriving tomorrow

And then there's the stuff that has nothing to do with me but I'm aware of and trying to avoid making things awkward and-

I'll be vague bc it's personal stuff to these people but I wanna rant about it somewhere bc usually I'd tell god but covid's a thing and I'm not allowed to see her :(

So I'm in a group chat with person A and B working on something together

A and B were dating
But A recently decided to take a break from/break up with B and I told her that she could talk to me if she ever needed to

I follow A's vent account on Instagram and thus I began to find out a little more about their relationship and Uh-
B seems a little bit toxic...
So that's fun

But I don't think B knows that I know any of this so I'm just trying not to mention it at all
But B hasn't sent any messages on the chat since the break up so... 👉👈 that's fun

But like, I'm trying not to make things awkward but also trying to make sure A knows that she is cared for bc she is struggling a fair bit right now

And like B seems like she's a little salty about the break up (getting friends to spy on what she says on A's Instagram stories and stuff as well as making her out to be a bad person)
And who knows how she feels about me encouraging and being nice to A and telling her to rest and look after herself and such

But yeah
Fun and snazzy

I hope they both just manage to get through all this tho bc it sounds rough

That's all bye bye

Random Rants 5: Now with FurbysWhere stories live. Discover now