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My head really just said "you've only been back at school for one day, but that one day was enough to give you a headache that's somehow even worse than all the headaches you got from online learning"

Also (this is kinda related)
I'm a massive fidgeter, right?
Like, the reason for that is debatable, either I do have ADHD or I'm physically incapable of staying still

Well that's been a rather noticeable thing recently
When sitting down on an armchair at home
I've been pretty much unable to keep my foot still
It's like when you bounce your leg, but bc neither of my feet are on the flooor, I'm just bouncing my foot
And like it's not even that fun
It makes my foot feel weird but it just keeps happening even thought it never used to

And I thought "maybe lockdown has given me excess energy and this is how my body is trying to get rid of it"
But this is the most tired I've felt all year and there my foot is
Still bouncing
My mans just won't stay stilll

Liek I can get it to stop for a bit, but it doesn't last long

But like

Things I've realised about school:
1) some teachers are much better at online teaching than others
2) school is really fucking loud like Jesus chroist
3) school is also really bright like I didn't realise the lights were this bright
4) i wish i could continue to sit in my silly little positions but unfortunately I have to sit like a normal person whilst at school
5) wow everything just hurts after school
6) I hate the walk to school
7) I wish we were allowed phones again

That's all
Bye bye

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