Ok so

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I actually listened to it for the first time liek... a few weeks back
But I've been thinking about it a lot for some reason

It's so good tho

Am I getting chills from listening to this? Yes
Is the choreography brilliant? Yes
Am I amazed that the main cast can not only sing and act, but play instruments? Yes
Is part of my love for it just the fact that I love Laura Osnes? Y e s

No but it's really interesting

I've never actually explained the plot to anyone I've mentioned it to so here we go I guess

It's set right after WWII
The main character is a guy called Donny Novitski and he was a veteran in the war
But before then he was a musician and was really quite successful etc etc

When he gets back from the war, he can't seem to find any work, everyone in the town is simply shrugging him off

And on top of this, he's suffering from PTSD due to something that happened that caused him to believe he was at fault for his friend's death

But one day he hears something on the radio talking about a music competition
And said competition is supposed to be for all the veterans who just made it back

And he has this idea

He says "I'm gonna make a band solely of military vets" (I'm paraphrasing but shh)

And so he does

During this time tho, he's also struggling with the idea of visiting his (now dead) friend's wife in order to check up on her as he promised he would do so if something happened to him

Oh his friend is called Michael btw
Just saying that so I don't have to keep calling him Donny's friend

But eventually he musters up the courage to confront Michael's wife (Julia) and he mentions to her that he's got an album of pictures with him and Michael in
And she says "why not come to dinner? We can eat and you can show me the pictures"
So he agrees

We find out that Julia really wants to know how Michael dies and she intends to ask Donny about it when he comes for dinner

She does try, but he doesn't tell
However he does find out that Julia sings in her churches choir

So he's like

Gonna go check out her singing"

So he does
And she's like REALLY good

And I'll skip some stuff but eventually Julia joins the band

And the rest is about the band during the competition

But bc all of the people in the bands were in the war, they all have different forms of trauma (both physical and mental) and that also plays a big part in it all

But yea

Good musical

Bye bye

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