Bean Lore

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Bean Lore - lore that refers to the Bean
"Who is the Bean?" You ask
The Bean is me

(Basically, this'll be random fun facts about me bc why not)

1) I have hypermobility which causes my joints to be 
b endy
And flexible as hell sometimes
My ankles are almost always aching

2) Apparently (according to my dear mother) when I was a child, I said I wanted to live like my friend and her mum (my friend was born via a sperm donation so it was just her and her mum) because I didn't want to deal with any men. My mum thought I was probably gonna turn out a lesbian but... eh, she was right to think that I'm not attracted to men

3) Oh yeah, I'm asexual aromantic and started truly identifying as that in around October??? Last year

4) During the time I've been alive, my family has had five cats. Morris - who I don't remember at all. Molly - who was really chill and really tolerated three year old me's shit. Tom - He died in about 2015 and he was a lil scaredy cat but also a sweetheart. Tigger - she died a few years back, also very sweet with very soft paws. Spider - a fluffy little bastard cat.

5) I used to have a fear of dogs and I still had it when we first met my dog and the rest of the puppies in the litter. I was fine with the puppies, but they had two adult cocker spaniels and they got me freaked at the time

6) I've left England once. And that was on a school trip

7) I'm a massive sucker for chocolate (specifically milk chocolate) despite being almost definitely lactose intolerant

8) I have a fake pokémon card that I found near my primary school when I was picking up my younger sister one day

9) I was born on a Friday

10) This one's a lil elaborate so bear with me. When I was like 10/11 I watched this pokemon youtuber called CandyEvie and she had this section in one of her videos which she called the "Duck pond" where people would send in pictures/drawings of psyducks. I sent a drawing I did of one in and I showed it to my younger sister the other day

(Here's the drawing)And later that day, my sister is watching one of her videos and goes "look!" And I look up to see lil box covered in psyduck drawings she had been sent in the past and

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(Here's the drawing)
And later that day, my sister is watching one of her videos and goes "look!" And I look up to see lil box covered in psyduck drawings she had been sent in the past and...

Yup that's mine

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Yup that's mine

11) Both of the times I've played the game of life, I've managed to completely avoid having kids and just had a ton of pets instead (and I won one of those games so...)

12) I eat with my knife and fork in the "wrong" hands. Basically, I think this might be a UK thing so lemme explain: right handed people are supposed to eat with their fork in their left hand and knife if their right hand and left handed people do the reverse. I'm right handed but I eat like a left handed person

13) I am a MASSIVE fidgeter, I am physically unable to stay still. The other day, my younger sister noticed me fiddling and was like "here, try one of these fidget toys" and I realised that I've basically needed one of these for so so so long

14) my first anime was black butler. I was ten

15) The worst part is that I can't even be like "black butler was my first proper anime" and say that I watched Pokémon or some shit before hand because I didn't. I watched black butler before I watched Pokémon

16) I can't sing high notes and have been told by one of the teachers in that performing arts I used to go to that I have a low voice and maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with averno musicals atm bc I can actually sing along

17) I've basically known I was queer since I was like 11 years old. I didn't know how, but I knew for sure that I couldn't be straight

18) I've met Millie O'Connell

19) When I was like 14?? I went to a top concert and I felt ill at one point and (as I was feeling like I was gonna vomit) Tyler Joseph ran past me and I'm SO glad I didn't throw up on him

20) One of my first musicals was little shop of horrors

21) My favourite Disney film as a child was Sleeping Beauty and it eventually changed to the Aristocats

22) I really badly wanna cosplay Eva

23) My first OCs were Honey and Kyo as well as two others. One called Kaitlin and another called Ayano (yes - she was named after Yandere Chan - I'm ashamed too) they were all loosely based off of me and some of my friends

24) I initially created Cursed (my favourite of the stories I've written) in January 2019, making the initial draft two years old

25) I once created this story inspired by my hero academia but instead of quirks/superpowers being the norm, they were only present in a few people and thus these people were hidden all in one class where they'd secretly train their abilities. The main character was called Hiroka Midoya and one of the characters (named Yuka Sanyo) is described in my lil character descriptions as "friendly, a bit useless" and like, mood

26) I swore in front of my younger sister the other week and it was IMMENSELY embarrassing

27) I broke (?) my pinky finger one time when playing netball and it was really bruised and nasty and not very fun

28) I'm tired

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