Eva says fuck transphobesBasically all of the main cast of cursed say fuck transphobes but this has been the first mention of it I've actually made

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Eva says fuck transphobes
Basically all of the main cast of cursed say fuck transphobes but this has been the first mention of it I've actually made

Bc I'm writing the rewrite in a way to finally include lil headcanons I've had as actual canon

This example is Hunter being trans

The other main one I'm working on atm is Eva having ADHD
Bc there are elements of her in the og that certainly could link to ADHD and I thought that having a neurodivergent protagonist would be pretty cool
So I'm attempting to write her in a way which portrays that better

I've actually
Mentioned (kinda subtly) my ADHD Eva headcanon in the past
It was in one of the text chats chapters

I've actuallyMentioned (kinda subtly) my ADHD Eva headcanon in the pastIt was in one of the text chats chapters

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Here :3

But yesh
More headcanons I plan to somehow fit in include:

Bi Flynn

That's it-

Ok there might be
More but that's the main one I can think of

But ya
K bye I wanna go sleepy

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