Memories are weird

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Bc I'll struggle to remember something I did just the other day
Whilst also being able to recall things from when I was literally 3-4 years old

And like, part of me was thinking "well maybe my parents just mentioned these things when I was older and that's why I remember them" but no

Some of these things were things I didn't tell anyone about

Like that time I convinced my parents to change what nursery I attended bc I was scared of a book that they'd always read there
I would say that's a gross oversimplification but no, that's exactly what happened
They don't know the reason
But I certainly do

I'll elaborate
When I was probably three years old, I attended this nursery/daycare thing at this church that's kinda close to my house
It wasn't really religious in anyway that I recall, but it existed
And sometimes they'd get out this story book and it was about this rabbit
And something??? Happened to him and he ended up turning into this weird sludge monster thing

Now- I used to be terrified of EVERYTHING
Like, I might not be the best at all times, but I'm pretty decent when it comes to scary stuff now
But back then-
God... we'll get onto some other stories later

But yeah, this book had me freaked and I think I just kept telling my mum that I didn't like the nursery and soon I got to move to another one (which was part of the primary school (tho back then it was an infant school) that I went on to attend)

I was gonna see if I could find the book through google but I cannot remember the name for the life of me and it's not one we ever had at home

And to think *insert name of that boy* also went to that nursery, I'm glad I left solely for that reason
It was so elegantly named "Paint Pots"
We'll come back to that later bc I ended up finding myself linked to that again when I was a lot older

Now we go onto the one that was at my primary school
There were morning and afternoon sessions, kids could attend one or they could attend both, whatever the parents needed
I attended the morning ones but I didn't necessarily leave the school in the afternoon

My primary school had (maybe even still has??) a group that parents could join and I think they like help arrange somethings for the school and also serve as... what's the word... governors I think???
Idk, but my mum was part of that group
So when I was done with nursery, she'd take me to the part of the school where that group was held (it had like a play area and stuff bc there were a handful of parents with young kids there)
And there was this little outdoor area that was linked to the nursery playground (there was a gate separating them) and I remember going up to the gate sometimes and some kids making fun of me because I attended the morning nursery session?????? It was weird

Some other stuff about it that I remember:
1) They used to have a pond there, liek this proper pond, this might've been a dream or something but I swear I remember seeing a frog there once
2) They had characters on the coat/bag racks for each student, I had Po from the telletubbies
3) I befriended a girl who was a year younger than me there and I remember getting sad bc we wouldn't be in the same year group and I'd be going on to reception whilst she'd still be there
4) -



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