I felt pretty damn awful on friday

15 2 0

But I'm mostly functioning now
That's if you exclude being able to talk

Before you think "does that mean she's been coughing? Covid?!?!"

Perish the thought

Covid gives you like a chesty cough
It's 100% to do with your lungs


It's literally just a sore throat
I've had no other covid symptoms
and like the people you would expect to get effected by a potential spread of covid are my parents
And they're completely fine

It's been the three children of the house who have had issues with being ill

But yea
On Friday I
Had an awful headache
Wouldn't stop sneezing
Felt like I was gonna vomit
And in the evening I got a sore throat

And there were slight remnants of most of it yesterday
I had a slight headache when I woke up
There were a few particularly gross sneezes
Almost gagged multiple times whilst eating dinner but idk what that was about

And of course there's my throat (which is still mildly bothering me today but it ain't that bad)

Like it feels completely fine
It doesn't even hurt anymore
I just
I can't talk

My mum found some Christmas cards I made in year 4 and if you don't think I'm gonna give them out to my friends, you're wrong

That came out of nowhere, I apologise

I blame my sore throat on me trying to sing Newsies on Friday and getting way too carried away

Random Rants 5: Now with FurbysHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin