Ranking my protagonists

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Bc I have nothing better to do
What I'm gonna do is rate them all separately (list their flaws and their good parts) and then rank them based on their results

(Btw these rankings aren't necessarily based on how much I like them, it's based on how well written/fleshed out they are as characters)

(Also when it comes to things like Cursed which technically have multiple protagonists, I'll stick to the main POV characters)

Let's try and go chronological

So we begin with

Kasumi Mizu:
The good:
- Bicon
- Cares about her friends (even if she doesnt show it)
- Pretty good sense of humour in the rewrite
- although it's bad, she does have a personality
- aight character design

The bad:
- Wow, such an overused trope
- Kasumi you call yourself a Tsundere but you did an Anna and fell in love with a man you just met
- Cries like a little bitch at times but same
- I said bicon, but she's barely that, it's never even hinted at in the story
- Oh yeah, shittily written
- please for the love of god stop yelling
- you're the reason I keep getting comments on I'm not Tsundere being like "the fuck is this"
- what hobbies do you even have???
- doesn't really have much of a backstory
- no devolved relationships with basically anyone (family AND Shiro included)


- I could've made the tsundere trope work pretty well but I failed

Rika Oumi:
The good:
- Friendly
- Has hobbies (ok, a hobby)
- literally would kill anyone who harms a hair on Kimi's head and so would I
- She's a very nice person ngl
- she's cute I guess

The bad:
- imagine taking pictures of a boy you had a crush on without him knowing - oop
- to be fair, Takeshi kinda did the same, they're both kinda at fault
- not much of a personality other than being friendly
- idk a bit of a mess but once again same
- slight backstory but not really


- She's aight I guess

Sukiya Sato:
The good:
- big brain, she's very smart
- hard working
- doing her best atm considering she just lost her best friend and is in a very sticky situation
- has a much more in-depth backstory than the other two so far
- has some good old trauma™️
- I like her design actually

The bad:
- her grieving after Shikou's death could've been written a bit better
- she's a lil oblivious at times, like damn
- calm down babes, jeez
- idk she isn't the most interesting



- pretty good

The good:
- somewhat interesting backstory
- strong motives for her actions
- has some mystery to her
- friendly
- probably bi for Sayori and like, if I wasn't aromantic, I'd be the same
- real name maybe Akira???
- cute enough

The bad:
- the backstory may be interesting, but even I'm confused
- kinda dull personality at times
- would be almost impossible to write now bc I haven't written her in so so long
- maybe murdered some people in the past



- kinda lacking in some areas and I'm very confused about her but at least her backstory makes me go ooo

Kimi Novaka:
The good:
- wow, what a babey
- first example of a character I confirmed to have mental health issues (anxiety)
- adorable design despite being kinda basic
- her argument with Koichi ended up being pretty well done despite me having no plans going into it
- pansexual icon
- allowed me to get a bit more comfortable writing panic attacks and other darker themes
- both the mum and babey of the group
- has hobbies

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