Chapter 09

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"We all need someone to talk to, sometimes it takes just one person to inspire you"

"What is the meeting about father?". Jungkook asked sitting opposite of his father. The older Jeon was reading over papers before he put it down on his desk and looked at his son. "It's a test meeting you know that you'll be taking over my company soon so I want to test you on your skills.

Jungkooks eyes widened he had only started University. He didn't want to take over his fathers company so soon. Only because he had meg a certain Angel that he'd want to be around often. "Father I'm not sure if I'd like that now".

"Excuse me? Jungkook I've been talking about this for so long you have to do this...I'm ordering you to". Jungkook gulped at his fathers tone of voice. It was deep and demanding he would say he was afraid of it. But his father had always used the voice on him and Jeongguk growing up.

They were use to it the voice was like a mind control machine. The twins were ordered a lot as kids. Jungkook is still getting ordered around because he's afraid of his father. Jeongguk is opposite well he had the ability to talk back at his father but he knew he also couldn't go up against him. The older Jeon had too much power.

"Father I know...I'm not refusing to take over your company it's just that I've only started University I'd like to stay longer in it". Jungkook explained looking at his father with pleading eyes. "Ok son".

Jungkook let go of the breath he didn't even noticed he was holding. "Thank you father I won't let you down". The other only nodded. Jungkook getting the sign to leave. He quickly left and went to his car.
"Jeongguk you didn't need to drop me off again". Taehyung says stopping infront of his house. Jeongguk only ruffled the smallers hair. "Yeah but I wanted to spend more time with you little one". Taehyung blushes at the others words. The raven smiled and pulled the other into his chest. Taehyungs ears were really red at this point.

"Goodnight". Jeongguk says before letting go of Taehyung. "Goodnight". Taehyung went inside while waving goodbye to Jeongguk. As he walked away he got a phone call. "Party at my house". It was Yoongi who had called no saying hello. "I'm coming".
"Jeongguk where were you man?". Yoongi says clearly drunk which the raven scoffed at. He was a drinker but he had control he didn't drink too much. "Hey hyung". Jeongguk sat down and immediately girls started to go talk to him.

Normally the raven would be ok with these girls talking to him. But he had someone special in his heart right now. "Fuck I forgot to ask for his phone number". He mumbled quietly as he gets rid of a girls hand on his chest.

"Hey common I'm trying to have you want to have fun with me?". The girl whispered into the ravens ear. Jeongguk only glared at her. "No thanks". The girl rolled her eyes and stomped away while Yoongi smirked. "What's wrong with you?".

Seeing the male act like this was new to the blue haired male it was different. By now Jeongguk would be talking to the girl or even be making out with her. But it was straight to rejection. "Nothing mind if I stay here for the night?".

Yoongi nodded before chuckling. "You do know you have a big ass mansion you can stay at right?". Jeongguk shook his head. "I'm not fucking staying in a house where my father and brother are at". Jeongguk really hates both of them. Well more so his father.

"Why can't you just tell me why you hate your father so much". Yoongi didn't know any of Jeongguks secrets. It's not like the raven didn't trust the other. He just wasn't ready to tell anyone ever since his brother had been hating him. Jeongguk doubts he ever will. "Nothing happened can't I just hate my father because I want to hate him?". Jeongguk says bluntly as Yoongi only nodded his head.

To Be Continued...

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