Chapter 26

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"What is that you want from me? I changed everything about myself and yet your still so unsatisfied"
The twins were sitting down behind her desk. Arms both crossed as they waited for her to speak up. Both of them rose their eyebrows when she handed them some papers and an iPad for each of them.

"What's this?". Jungkook asked as he look through the papers. The reporter sighed because she knew after this there's no telling how they'll react. She wasn't even sure if they'd believe her.

"These are your fathers money stats". She started before Jeongguk looked at her with a raised eyebrow again. "Why do you have these?". The women shook a little feeling a bit intimidated by Jeongguk. But she managed to compose herself.

"If you look closely there are a lot of money coming in named unknown source...". Jungkooks eyes widened knowing exactly what that meant. "Doesn't that mean that father is hiding something? This unknown source of money is legally allowed to be in this document without the police ever confronting him about it".

Jeongguk tilted his head in confusion he wasn't one to learn about these business stuff so he was very lost at the moment. "That's correct". The reporter said before she pointed to the ipads. "Please open those and see the pictures...I did extensive research about your father and what truly happened to your brother and that unknown source of money is where it starts".

The twins looked down at the iPad before their eyes widened in horror. A picture of a man all bloody with his father smiling down at him. "What the fuck is this!". Jungkook says before he slammed the iPad down looking at the scared woman.

"That is where the unknown source of money comes from your father has been paying a high ranked mafia to scare or more so hurt people who he offered his money to but couldn't pay back their side of the deal in time". Jeongguks eyes widened before everything started to connect.

"I-Is this what Jiyoo hyung was trying to do? To reveal this bastards doings!?". The reporter nodded before she looked at Jungkook who sat down again. Face in his hands as he started to cry.

Who could blame him? He believed his father was not the kindest but to do this was something he'd never imagined his father to be doing. And his older this what really happened to him? Was this the true reason to why he died? Jungkook regrets blaming his twin.

"That fucking bastard". Jeongguk shouts before he grabbed his bag and stormed out of the room. Jungkook hurrying to catch up to him. "Wait! I wasn't done telling everything". The reporter said as she tried to catch up to them as well.

But she was too late...the twins were already in their drivers car. Before they sped off. "No no no this can't happen I need to publish everything now!". The reporter says before she ran back to the building and started to write the article and included every piece of evidence she had.

"That bastard". Jeongguk says as he sped through the highway. His mind was every where at this point. He didn't care that he stole this car and practically dragged the driver out of the seat so he could take it and he also didn't care if he sped through the highway. Cars just hocking for him to stop.

Jungkook who sat beside him was spacing out as well. Tears continually going down his cheeks. His father...he hated him. He snapped out for a second before he held on to Jeongguks arms. "Jeongguk slow down would you! Your going to get us in an accident!".

Jeongguk didn't listen he kept going and going. Until that very thing that Jungkook told him about happened...Jeongguk didn't stop at the red light causing their car to be hit by a large truck their car pushed halfway through the intersection. The last thing the twins saw was their car laid on its side before everything turned black.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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