Chapter 04

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"Even if you're not perfect, you're limited addition"- Kim Namjoon

Taehyung was walking home from work. The sky had turned a dark black while little stars twinkled in the darkness. He looked up at them smiling at their beauty failing to notice a motorcycle coming towards him. It all came a shock to him when he was blinded by lights. He closed his eyes and stood frozen.

Though fate was on Taehyungs side today and he got pushed off the crossroad and into the side walk. His elbows scraping against the rough surface. "You idiot do you know what could have happened to you!". Taehyung was looking down as the unknown man was nagging at him.

While he watched the motorcycle drive away. He guessed he was trying to escape the authorities. But it's not like Taehyung would do anything. It was his fault anyways.

It continued for a couple minutes before the man crouched down and grabbed his hand gently. Looking at the bleeding elbow. While Taehyung looked at him shocked...wasn't he the one he met at the cafe?

"You almost died everyone you knew would be-....". The man paused helping Taehyung up on his feet. "Never mind let's find somewhere to sit". The small male nodded gently and allowed the taller man to hold his hand and lead him to a bench.

"There's a convenience store right around the corner wait here I'll go get a bandage for your elbow". He was about to turn away but got stop by a soft hand. "Please you don't have to do this I'm alright you saved me today". Taehyung smiled looking up at the man.

"Just stay you don't want that wound to get infected do you?". Then just like that the man ran away to the corner. Leaving Taehyung sighing but he hummed in content. He was thankful towards the kind male who saved his life today. He just had to get the others name when he came back.

But Taehyung swore he had seen him at the cafe today as well. He did look different though. Maybe he styled himself differently since the last time they met. Taehyung shook his head how would the man go from brown straight hair to long wavy black hair?

No one's appearance changes that quickly. The silver haired male shook his head gasping a bit when he heard a quite chuckle. "You look crazy when you're talking to yourself you know that". The man says crouching down taking out a pack of alcohol wipes and a bandaid.

Taehyung blushed before flinching the alcohol stinging. The man put the bandaid on and sat down beside the male. "Thank you...what's your name?". The smaller finally had the courage to ask. "Jeongguk". The male says turning towards Taehyung and smiling a little before turning back again.

It made the other blush more he looked very handsome. Just like the male he met in the cafe. Though that one had a more soft aura around him. Jeongguk on the other hand had a darker aura but he was kind hearted. It was contradicting seeing as the male had a dragon tattoo on his neck.

Taehyung found it quite beautiful it was detailed and intricate. "How about you?". The smaller male smiled towards the man. Which made him blush a bit which he thankfully sighed when the male didn't notice. "Kim Taehyung".

"That's a very nice name". Jeongguk groaned he couldn't possibly get more robot like. Taehyung giggles at the compliment though. It shocked him to say the least. He had never reacted like that to a compliment before. The silver head got them all the time which he was thankful for but he was always so shy since he didn't understand what people saw in him.

"Thank you". Was all he could say before he decided he would compliment the male as well. "Your tattoos...they're beautiful". Jeongguk rubbed his nape shyly. "You think so?". He tilted his head while his eyes formed into crescents when he looked at Taehyung nodding cutely.

"Not many people like them...well no one likes them except for me and now you". Taehyungs eyes widened how could no one like his dragon tattoo it really was beautiful. "Well for those who don't like your tattoo I'll like it ten times more I really like it".

"Thank's getting late". Jeongguk smiled at the smaller male and stood up. Taehyung thinking he was about to leave. "It's too dark out I'll walk you your house far?". Taehyung stood up quickly shaking his head.

"Don't bother you've done so much for me today Jeongguk I'll manage on my own". The buffer male only shook his head. "I would be more upset with myself if I knew that I didn't walk you home you could get hurt...don't take this the wrong way though I'm sure your strong I just-".

"Ok thank you". Taehyung giggles quietly when he watched the male talk and freak out. Jeongguk was cute and hot at the same time. Though the smaller wasn't going to admit that. Well maybe one day he will who knows.

To Be Continued...

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