Chapter 06

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"Sometimes we just need to let go of our past".

It was the day that the new student would come. Everyone was practically jumping out of their seat waiting for the student to arrive. The news spread like wild fire. The said male was hot and it got everyone riled up. Except for Taehyung he was excited but not as much as Jimin.

Though he practically jumped out of his seat holding his chest. It was Jeongguk. He was the new student? If Taehyung had known that he would have shown much more excitement. His smile was reaching ear to ear.

He looked at Jeongguk with so much happiness. Though when the smaller male had a closer look. Jeongguk looked way different the last time he saw him. He looked just like he did back at the cafe.

"Hello everyone my name is Jeon Jungkook please treat me well". A voice interrupted his train of thought. His eyes widened even more at the introduction. Jeongguk to Jungkook? Nothing made sense at all. No one just changes their appearance that quickly. Or their names.

"Well Mr. Jeon your seat is right in front now I always do this but we will begin class work today class". The teacher says making everyone cheer. And start to compliment how she was the best teacher ever. The brown headed male nodded heading to his seat.

The introductions were quite slow for Jungkook. He appreciated that the introductions would make it easier for him to get to know everyone. But in all honestly all he wanted to know about was a certain pretty boy. The same boy who he bumped into at the cafe.

It felt like hours before Taehyung had spoken. "Hi Jungkook my name is Taehyung and I like to read poetry". The silverette saw no point in introducing himself since they knew each other already. But that's the point did they really know each other?

"Well nice to meet you do you have any books?". Jungkook said a sweet smile on his face. Which shocked everyone. In every single turn the brown headed male just simply smiled at them. Clearly not interested but now with Taehyung he was having a full on conversation with him.

To say some people were jealous was an understatement. "No I don't". Taehyung answered he loved to read books but could never find poetry books in thrift shopping. All he really wanted was to read poetry.

Jungkook nodded his head before going through his backpack. Taking out a black book. Taehyungs eyes shined he knew what that cover was. It was his most favourite poetry book by his favourite poet.

Milk and Honey

He loved to take that book from the library. Exclusively borrowing it every time he could. Jungkook suddenly stood up. Everyone's eyes following him as he walked over to Taehyung. The smaller males eyes widened when he saw the book in-front of him. He tilted his head in confusion.

This making the other male chuckle. "This is for you I have many more copies at home please take this one". Jungkook smiles before walking away leaving Taehyung stunned. He couldn't even refuse but was he ever? Nope.

He always wanted that book and he will forever be thankful for Jungkook for giving it to him.

To Be Continued...

Authors Note:

OMG I'm in the process of editing this book and there is sooo much to fix and so many wrong things I've done already. Yes I know there is already a chapter 6 and yes I have change chapter numbers just because of one huge mistake I made.

So I had some chapters in the wrong order. And it looks like I accidentally deleted one chapter. So everything was messed up. And wasn't making sense. So I needed to upload this missing chapter. I'm so sorry you guys. Please forgive me this book needs to have a lot of editing. 😊💜

Twin Flames (kooktaegguk) [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora