Chapter 23

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"Even if I have people there for me why do I still feel so lonely?"
In The Past

Jiyoo walked back and forward while waiting for his father while he held on to some papers. He was angry, worried, confused just a mix of emotions overflowing from him...through his entire body.

"Jiyoo I have a very important meeting to go to you better make this quick". Mr. Jeon says sitting on his chair while glaring at his son.

"How could you do this dad? You of all people would never do such a thing right?". Jiyoo says tears in his eyes while doing so. Mr. Jeon looked at him in disbelief, what was he talking about? "Jiyoo I have no time for guessing things I need to go to my meeting in five minutes".

"How could you take money from people! Hiring a fucking mafia to do your dirty work of charging innocent people of their money and hurting them while doing so!?". Mr. Jeons eyes widened before he abruptly stood up. "How did you know about that!".

Jiyoo stood up as well, "Thats not important right now all that matters is that you really are doing it what type of person are you dad what happened to you". The older man rolled his eyes before throwing glass at the wall. "You don't know anything Jiyoo just stay out of this look at what happened to your mother even she-".

"What the fuck did you say?!". Jiyoo brought his hands towards the mans neck holding him up by his shirt. Mr. Jeon pushed him away before fixing his collar. "It wasn't my fault I didn't know that woman would try and follow me I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to". Absoluetly no emotion showed on the mans face while he talked about his late wife.

"Y-you how could you? Mom...she was always so kind to us and you just let her go you left Jeongguk and Jungkook motherless you know how much those twins cry for their mother to come back you lied to me and all of us...I've had enough of this I'm going to reveal everything about you". Jiyoo said voice hard and firm, making his decisions clear to his father. "Jiyoo I'm still your father!".

"After today you are no longer my father". He says before walking out of the office Mr. jeon angryliy looking at him while he did. He quicly grabbed his phone, then called someone. "I want you to do everything in your power to stop Jiyoo from revealing my truth you got it?". He put the phone down on the table with anger.

To Be Continued...

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