Chapter 17

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"In this life...sometimes happiness doesn't come as easily as it should"

A slap was heard through the quite room. The sound resonating on the wall. A certain brown headed twin holding his face in pain. "Jungkook what we're you doing out when you should be studying!". Mr. Jeon was furious. To a man who had never even thought of the idea of love and happiness. Will never understand what his sons are going through.

"S-sorry". Jungkook had just come home his mood was bright and happy. Even the maids noticed...the male always had such a sad frown upon his face. That it became normal to see that sadness. Too normal.

Though of course nothing last forever. Once he was told to go to his fathers office. He knew he was as good as dead. Jungkook knew that his smile was going to disappear again. His happiness vanishing.

"Sorry? You can't go through life saying sorry Jungkook now go I don't even want to see your face anymore". He should have known better...that's what he has always said to himself. Because that's how he grew up. The lesson that mistakes can never be forgiven. So what's the point of saying sorry. Maybe that's why he couldn't...wouldn't ever forgive his twin.

Jungkook sighed bowing before he walked out. His aura had changed into something you could only call pain...despair even. He made his way upstairs without saying anything else. The maids of course noticing the change in mood of their young master.

Taehyung was the only one...the only one who had ever made him smile. He has spent years in his darkness ever since his mother and brother had died. Nothing was the same. How could that be even possible? He lost the two people that brought great happiness in his life.
"Jeongguk come on you always use to go clubbing". It was one of the ravens friends an orange haired overly excited boy named Hoseok or what they liked to call him J-hope. "A man can change". Well he wasn't lying exactly...Taehyung just happened and he wanted to stay loyal even though he isn't his yet.

Soon they'll be together, that's what has been on Jeongguks mind. "You change nice joke no seriously what happened to you?". Jhope was confused the Jeon Jeongguk wasn't actually being a playboy for once. "Kim Taehyung". A click of his tongue was heard after that.

"Wait isn't that the beauty that everyone's been talking about?!". That's where Jeongguk stood up abruptly. "What now". The orange head rose his hand up in defence before he gripped down on Jeongguks shoulder and sat him back down again. "Kim Taehyung is the most popular person in campus his nickname being doll face".

Jeongguk scoffed he surely agreed with people's opinions on the smaller males beauty. But did he want people to call him that. No, absolutely not! He should be the only one allowed to stare and compliment the other. In other words he was jealous again. And as always a Jealous Jeon was not ever a good mix.

He slammed his palm on the table before grabbing his jacket. Leaving J-hope completely alone. Though his mind was filled with thoughts of Taehyung. So he didn't pay mind to his friend. He was going to ask him something he should have done the first time they met.
"Jungkook I brought you your favourite cake". The head maid had went into Jungkooks room to try and cheer him up. She was like the mother that Jungkook needed in his life. Because of her life was atleast good with her around. "Thank you". He smiles looking down at his favourite carrot cake.

"Now enjoy little bunbun". That nickname...he wasn't going to allow anyone to call him that except for Jiyoo but the head maid was an exception. "That nicknames so embarrassing how did hyung even come up with that?". Jungkook chuckled recalling the events leading up to his embarrassing nickname.

"You know your hyung Jungkook him and his craziness". Jiyoo was always the energetic one. If he knew you were sad he'd cheer you up in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately Jungkook had noticed that a month before his brother died...he acted different. But as always he didn't really pay mind to that.
"Jeonggukie what are you doing back here?". The raven was infront of Taehyungs door again. To say the other male was confused was an understatement. Wasn't he just there that morning even last night? Well he didn't mind, he wanted to see more of the other anyway. So a win win situation overall.

Jeongguk didn't answer instead he pulled the petite male into his arms. Taehyung gasping a bit gripping onto the males shirt. Scared of falling, but with hands gripping his waist. No such thing would happen. "I wanted to ask you something". Taehyung looked into the others eyes after they had pulled away from each other.

His heart was beating fast, maybe he should have practiced in front of the mirror. Jeongguk thought he probably looked like a strawberry right now from how red he was. "Go on a date with me?". There he said it...finally. But did that calm his nerves? No not at all he was still waiting for an answer.

"Y-yes of coarse". Taehyung looked down blushing playing with his sweater paws cutely trying to distract himself. Jeongguk chuckled before patting his head. Taehyung leaning into it like a puppy getting his ears scratched. this way Jeongguk could try and claim Taehyung as his. A date would be the first move then next....he knew but that would come later on. At the perfect time. But beautiful things never come planned. They are spontaneous and random. They just happen. Unfortunately sometimes, they don't work out.

To Be Continued....

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