Chapter 02

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"To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world" - Jeon Jungkook

The clacking of the train wheels were heard as it zoomed through the tunnels...

Taehyung was currently in the train still listening to music while he scanned through his notes. The exam would be pretty easy for him it was science chemistry, the easiest science unit but he didn't particulary like this unit. Though he was glad that an exam meant that it was almost over which made him relieved .

As he looked at the last few notes his phone buzzed again and of course it was jimin. Taehyung sighed he is a very impatient man, Taehyung knew that for a fact. Though he didn't mind Jimin being like that he found it cute that he acted like this. Taehyung replied and put his phone back into his bag.

Just then the train had come to an abrupt stop. It was his station so he got up and made his way to the bus. That would directly take him to his school. As he walked the young male was oblivious to the stares everyone gave him as he walked passed them. Their mouths hang ajar...he was so beautiful.

Taehyung remained oblivious as always and got in the bus. Showing his bus pass that the bus driver didn't even look at. He was looking at Taehyung's face. this time Taehyung noticed the stares and got flustered making his cheeks turn into a light pink colour.

He instantly put his head down and made his way to a vacant seat.

"why is everyone staring at me do I have something on my face?". He thought in his head.

His face showed embarrassment as he took his mirror out and checked if he did. Though he sighed in relief there wasn't anything on his face. Just a light pink dust on his cheeks.

If only he knew what his beauty did to others around him.

As the bus came to a stop taehyung pouted because that meant he couldn't listen to music anymore. Taehyung just sighed and walked out of the bus and went to go look for Jimin.

And there he was sitting eating some mangos. Taehyung giggles as he made his way to Jimin. trying to scare him but unfortunately he ended up the one being scared. "Boo!".

"Ahhhh Jiminie whyyy". Taehyung crosses his arms and sat down. "You think your so slick Tae baby but nope". Jimin chuckled and ruffled his hair. Taehyung smiles in return and ruffles his best friends hair in return.

"We should head to class now jiminie ". Taehyung said as he got up waiting for Jimin. "You know tae I really am jealous of you and your love of school".

"Jimin you know how it is for me schools the only thing and of course you that makes me happy". Taehyung says looking down remembering his parents.

"Yeah I know Tae but you know we should-". Jimin couldn't continue as Taehyung interrupts and says, "Jimin please I can't I don't like going to parties please understand ".

Jimin sighed and nodded as they finally arrived to their class. And as always everyone would stare at the one and only beauty Kim Taehyung. And he would always blush and hide behind Jimin who would also get the stares. But he loved it.

"Tae your so beautiful you gotta be more confident ". "Nu don't wanna". Jimin only rolled his eyes and went to his seat while tae sat beside him.

The teacher just came in simply saying "get your books out and do all your homework that I know you didn't finish ". Though she was wrong Taehyung being the student he was had everything finished.

In fact he was ahead of the class and if there was a surprise quiz he was ready. though that was not it for Jimin so as always he asked for taes homework.

"Tae can I -" . He got Interrupted "Yes you can look at my homework ".

Taehyung decided he would just study for his up coming test. Even though he knew everything from top to bottom. He sighed as he memorized all the words again reading over them so fast.

"Yo tae you wanna hang out after school ". Jimin ask with desperate eyes he really wanted to go out with Taehyung. They haven't in such a long time. "I'm sorry jiminie I can't after school I have work but we can always do it after when I'm done".

"Okay let's do it how about we just go to my apartment ...sleepover?". Jimin said as he tilted his head smiling showing little crescents of his eyes. Taehyung thought about for a second putting his hand on his chin and looking up while pouting. "Sure". Was all he said before he studied again.

Then the screaming of the bell occurred almost making Taehyung scream. He did not like jump scares it gave him heart attacks whenever someone tried to scare him that way.  And knowing that practically all the boys always try to get his attention always do this to him.

"Hehe". Taehyung heard a giggle coming from his left side he looked and jimin was turning red trying to hold his laughter. "Stop laughing your so mean". Taehyung pouted while crossing his arms. "I'm sorry tae it's just so funny when you get scared ".

Taehyung sighed and started to walk away from Jimin who was still laughing so hard. "Wait heh tae wait wth". Jimin grabbed his back running over to Taehyung who was still going over his notes. "Lols why do you keep reading your notes it's not like we have a test or anything ".

"Uhm Jimin we have a test today did you not study?". Taehyung said looking at him seriousness etch on his face." Uhm I forgot tae please pleaseeee I'll do anything just let me copy". Taehyung shook his head and sighed. "Fine". Was all he said as he made his way in the classroom.
As Taehyung made his way to the front of the class turning in his test. He made sure to double check everything. "Mrs. Chen I'm finished". Was all he said before putting his test paper down. "Thank you, you can go now if you'd like". Taehyung smiles and bowed before waiting outside the door for Jimin.

"Taeeeeee that test was so hard". Jimin said dramatically as he slid down the wall. Taehyung giggles and replied with "you should study for it next time".

"Yeah yeah because people have time for that". Jimin says rolling his eyes. Taehyung giggles and while opening his locker. "Are you really going straight to work". Jimin whined looking at Taehyung. Who only nodded his head. "Yepp you wanna come along".

Jimin tgoight about it for a second and then nodded his head. "I think I know why you always go to your job so early". Jimin smirked as he looked at Taehyung who shook his head confused. "Maybe because you like all the boys that stare at you there hmmm".

Just then a light smack to his right arm shocked him. "Y-yah they don't stare at me why would they?". Taehyung said a light blush on his cheeks as he looked away. Jimin sighed and decided not to push it farther. He knew Taehyung won't believe him.

"Wait Tae I have great news a new student will come tomorrow and everyone says he's hot". Jimin says his face showing a weird smirk. Taehyung shook his head in a disapproving way.
"Geez Jimin don't hit on the student now please". Jimin puffed his cheeks out looking at the other walking away.

To Be Continued...

Twin Flames (kooktaegguk) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now