Chapter 15

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"Food is life"

Jungkook excitedly went out of his car and practically ran to the doorsteps ringing the doorbell. There Taehyung opened the door. And the brown headed male almost died. The smaller male looked...stunning.

His outfit showed nothing to the imaginary. A cute yellow sweater that reached his mid thigh and a knee high sock hugging his lean legs perfectly.

The taller male stopped functioning for a couple minutes before he shook his head. "Please come in Jungkook". Taehyung says holding the others hand while leading him to the living room. The smell of food going straight into Jungkooks nose. It smelled delicious. "I made some food for us to eat I hope it's ok with you".

Jungkook smiles at the other before ruffling his hair. This almost seemed like a date—-the brown headed grinned wide at the thought. He was really happy about this. A seemingly horrid day because of his father turned into something worth remaining within his memories.

"Thank you for this Taehyung". Both made their way to the couches where Taehyung turned on the TV and made a plate for Jungkook before handing it to him.

The smaller male was quite scared he wasn't all the good with cooking but he had experience in doing such things. Because he had to...he had no parents anyways.

Though what made him smile was when Jungkook started to pile more food into his plate. "This is delicious". Jungkook was so used to getting the highest ranked chefs cooking his food. But absolutely nothing could compare to Taehyungs cooking. It involved an ingredient that no one could easily do—-love.

"I'm glad you like it". Taehyung says before grabbing his own plate of food. Both were satisfied while watching the movie. In a long time this was the only day Jungkook felt like this and acted so care free. For once he was happy without anyone interfering with it.
"Where the fuck is Jungkook?!". Mr. Jeon shouted. He had went into his sons room to hand him some documents that he didn't sign. But when he got there he was gone. And how the that made the older Jeon furious. "S-sir he went out". The maid says Boeing down too scared to look at the mans eyes.

"He's at a guys house named Kim Taehyung". It was one of his bodyguards who always had eyes on Jungkook. "Send me everything about this Taehyung boy he is ruining everything". Mr. Jeon ordered before harshly closing the door to his office.

He was not going to tolerate anyone who would push Jungkook to do such things. Like sneaking out to go see some guy. The older Jeon was not a man who has really fully grasp the true meaning of happiness. Well...he's happy when he received money. But that is always a different type of happiness.
"Jungkook stop my stomach hurts". Taehyung threw his head back from laughing so much. Jungkook started to make funny faces at the other when the movie had ended. And that made the smaller male go into a fit of giggles. "Fine I'll stop". The raven says while looking at the adorable male still giggling.

"Thank you I thought I almost died". Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly before he went back to searching for another movie. While Jungkook sat there completely frozen. Taehyungs strawberry and vanilla scent really made him go crazy. The soft touch made his heart beat even faster than it already was.

"You're going to be the death of me one day". Jungkook whispers lovingly staring at Taehyung who was jumping in his seat when he found a movie. "Look look I found something good". Taehyung says excitedly putting the movie on and cuddled closer to Jungkook.

Taehyung didn't have a clue to why he was like this. But he knew for sure that he felt comfortable around Jungkook. Though what made the smaller male sometimes question why Jungkook had such a beautiful smile but sad eyes. Same went for Jeongguk...what pain were they hiding?

Jungkook wasn't even paying attention to the movie anymore just plainly staring at Taehyung now. It was not subtle at all but did Jungkook find it embarrassing? Maybe a little. But the one getting stared at was a blushing mess. He looked at Jungkook as well.

"Why a-are you staring is there something wrong?". Taehyung asked before he got pinned to the couch his arms above his head. His doe eyes staring at Jungkook who was busy looking at his lips. The brown headed male didn't know what was honestly happening to him but he kiss Taehyung.

So that's what he did everything around them stopped. Taehyung was confused with himself but kissed back. Closing his eyes before he gasp loudly. He stared at Jungkook who was now on the floor with a bruised face. "What the fuck do you think your doing!?". It was the other twin...Jeongguk.

Taehyung and Jungkook weren't the only ones who couldn't sleep. Jeongguk as well but he wanted to surprise Taehyung. He didn't have to particularly see him he just wanted to give a small gift perhaps leave it at his doorstep. But when he got there he saw lights and voices heard. The raven got worried.

So he opened the door which wasn't locked and found Jungkook on top of Taehyung holding him down. To the raven that was not a good image so he took him off. So furious for his brother even trying to do something like that. "Ah fuck". Jungkook held onto his cheeks while Taehyung helped him up.

Only to be pulled back into Jeongguks chest. "Pretty stay with me". He says completely contrasting from the way he talked to his twin and Taehyung. Taehyung wanted to hate himself for blushing at the moment but the nickname pretty got to him.

To Be Continued...

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