Chapter 25

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"For once can't you be on my side?".
"And why should I follow you?". Jeongguk spoke up staring the lady down with dark eyes. Jungkook sitting by his side nodding. He never agreed with his twin but with this random women saying 'follow me'. He'd agree to his brother of refusing to go with her.

"I understand that you don't know me but after I tell you this...I'm sure you'll come...I need to tell you something about your brother Jiyoo...". Jungkook stood up at that statement before harshly pointing to his brother.

"You won't be able to tell me anything that I don't already know you see that man he's the reason my brother died!". He screamed as his voice echoed throughout the schools hallway. Jeongguk looking down...this again. He can't go through an entire day without getting reminded of what he did no what he couldn't do for Jiyoo.

"Jungkook I'm asking you please listen and follow me just trust me on this because the information you have is false and even you Jeongguk don't have all the answers". The ravens eyes widened. Between him and his twin he was the one more informed to what happened that day.

"Fine I'll go with you". Jeongguk stood up looking at his brother. "I'll go". He says quietly the reporter smiling in victory. She was one step closer to revealing everything. But her time was running out.
"Mr. Sung didn't I tell you to shut her up!?". Mr. Jeon was furious it's been a couple days now and the reporter still haven't sent those papers with her signature. "I apologize Mr. Jeon she just recently informed me that she'll send the papers tomorrow night at the latest".

Mr. Jeon glared at him before sitting down. The assistant singing he was safe...until now. He needed to buy more time for the reporter but at this rate the older male would catch on. He couldn't afford her that extra time.

To Be Continued...

Twin Flames (kooktaegguk) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now