Chapter 11: Hugs and Mugs

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Hello guys. So it's sunday and this means that these might be the last two posts for a little while. Key word MIGHT. If I am managing priorities and such and have extra time than I will of course update! Thanks for understanding.

-Darcy's POV- 

First day of highschool. Was I terrified heck yes. I had no clue what I was going to wear, or who was going to be in my clases. I was freaking out about the stress it will be. All in all I was not looking forward to highschool. I probably woke up 2 hours earlier than I would regularily have to because I knew I would have a major freak out and not know what to do with myself and have to give myself sometime before getting ready. Emily was just going into grade into grade 5 so she still had quite a while to go. Lucky her. My phone began to ring and I picked it up having no clue who would be calling at 7am since i'm sure everyone was still asleep but when I hear his american accent run through the phone my heart seems to beat a little slower and suddenly I am not so panicy. It was only 11pm there so It made sense as to why Matthew was still awake but it was so sweet of him to call me. 

"Hey Darc" he says.

"Hi Matthew. What's got you calling?" I ask even though he could call me for the stupidest reason in the world and I would still be happy.

"Well I know it's your first day of high school and you are probably freaking out so I called to wish you good luck and tell you that you will be ok and to call me right when you get home" he says and I cant help but smile. Him and Becca's plane was coming on Saturday and that would officially be the day they move to England. I've already scoped out there place and it looks like a decent building in a nice area.

"Thanks Matthew, I'll talk to you later. Bye" I say and he says bye to me and I hang up. Now suddenly I wasn't feeling so nervous. I began getting ready getting my outfit picked out which was a pair of black skinny jeans and a maroon plaid top. I curled my hair a little extra. I mean it was already curly cause of my natural hair but I curled a few pieces just to make it look tidy. I did my makeup a little more than I usually do and put on a grey beanie. I looked in my mirror and was pretty satisfied. I didn't look half bad. I grab my brown combat boots from my closet and head up the stairs. It was 8 o'clock so Emily was just leaving for school now since her school started 30 minutes earlier than mine. She caught the school bus about a block away from our house which wasn't to bad. As I sat down at the kitchen table not expecting to eat since I wasn't very hungry mum places a plate of waffles infront of me. 

"Eat you want to have energy for your first day of school" I give her a small smile and nod my head. Eating a waffle then going to brush my teeth. A few minutes later I hear a honk in the front yard they must be here. I grab my bag say bye to mum and dad and head out the door only to see Michaels navy blue honda civic pulled up front with everyone in it. It wasn't a bad car and it was a car so I wasn't complaining. I didn't have to take the bus so it was all good. The school was only 10 minutes away from my house. I had walked by it a billion times before but never been inside it today would be a start and I was a nervous wreck. I looked around and the halls were filled with lost sophomores looking like children who lost there mums. I probably was too, but luckily Liz and I had Michael's group of friends to blend us in. Which only made us stand out more. Since we were some of the only sophomores with juniors. Looking around you saw many different people in many different groups and right away you could tell who was who. Example, the sluts who were trying to hang off the jocks aka my friends. There were obvious druggies, and nerds and goths. But basically your normal high school this was going to be a blast. I recieve my schedule and look at the classes I have Social first period, Math second. Then after lunch I had French class and then Creative Writing. Dont ask why I took creative writing because I genuinely couldn't tell you. 

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