Chapter 4: Could This Be Love

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Here you go my loves. Hope you enjoy!

-Darcy's POV-

Talking to Matthew was not something I had intended on doing. Today was suppose to be our day. He even said it was but when Becca came in and asked to go out he got right up. My birthday was tomorrow. Would he do that again. Would he get up and just leave on my birthday. I couldn't handle being in the house so I got ready and just left, my mums screams from behind me asking where I was going. I just started walking and didn't stop. I must have been walking for about 30 minutes cause I soon got to a park I recognized. I mean I hadn't been here since I was a kid. But I recognized it. I kept walking through it and I found the familiar tree house. I would have figured it to be destroyed but it wasn't. This was the treehouse where Liam found me and I met Matthew for the first time 12 years ago. It seems like it's been ages since we have known each other and who would have thought this thing would still be standing. They had taken away the ladder for it but I had been climbing trees since I was young so I climbed up the tree beside it and hoped into the treehouse and just sat down and looked out the window. Watching the leaves blow in the wind. Nothing much had changed up here. I mean it feels smaller but that's only because i'm bigger now. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was pitch black out side and at this park the only lighting was the stars and the moon above. It took me a moment to get used to the light but the stars lit up the little house perfectly and it was beautiful. I checked my phone but it had died while I was asleep. I wonder what time it was. Then I realised it was probably past midnight. "Happy Birthday to me" I mutter and a shooting star goes by. I make a wish.

They had always told me that each year that goes by is a miracle and the fact that I have been fighting for this long is unseen. But they say i'm a special child. I climb down from the tree and suddenly feel nervous. Walking through this park in the pitch black. So I decide to start running. Now running not one of my specialties. So I was only able to run for a few minutes before having to stop to catch my breath. Luckily I had made it out onto the streets where there was lights. But there was still a 30 minute walk back to the house. My mum must have been freaking out. A cop car drives by me and then reverses. "Darcy? Are you Darcy Styles?" the cop asked me and I nod my head confused. Had mum really called the police. I hop in the back of his car and he drives me home walking me up to the door. "Found your girl wanderin' the streets" he says and I walk inside. There were 2 other cops trying to calm down my mum. Emily was crying in the corner of the living room and then Matthew.. Sat on the couch with his head in his hands Becca rubbing his back. Their heads all snap up when they hear the officer speak. My mum runs over in an instant.

"Where on earth were you" she screams breathlessly.

"I just.. I just needed to be alone" I didn't know what I was saying.

"So you leave for the whole day. You know its 2am? Did you lose your phone along the way?!" she asks me like i'm crazy. 2am really.

"I dont know.. I fell asleep, and my phone died. See i'm ok.. I just want to be alone" I say. Emily comes up and hugs me before running into her room. Probably to go to sleep she must have been so tired. I hear my mum thanking the officers as I head down the stairs not even bothering to take a second glance at Matthew. I get into my room and take off my clothes switching into my tee shirt not bothering to put on any pants since it was for some reason burning hot in my room. I plugged in my phone pulling out my lap top I lay on my side pulling up some netflix. The door opens and I dont even bother to turn around. I do not care for talking to Matthew right now. But I didn't hear anything else. It was just silent for a few minutes. So I turn around and see Matthew at my door just staring at me, I then realise what it is he is starring at and I gasp jumping under my covers. "Can I help you with something?" I ask annoyed realising he's not planning on leaving any time soon. He comes and sits down beside me on my bed and I move further away.

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