Chapter 25: You Take My Breath Away

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-Matthew's POV-

Sure picking Darcy up half naked from that party was a bit of a piss off. I know it is her sweet sixteen and she wanted to have fun, but someone should have been a bit more considerate than to take advantage of her drunk and make her sit there shirtless. Who knew what else she did. Liz had told me about the party in advance and I hadn't lied to Darcy, when I said I had work. I would have much rather her come out with me for some dinner than go to the party, and I wasn't planning on going to it, because why would I want to go to a high school party I was in university now, and hanging around a bunch of high schoolers for the night didn't exactly sound like a good time.

But than I got thinking and realized Darcy was probably in there getting drunk and thoughts stared filling my mind and I was scared that someone would take advantage of her so I had to go in and get her. Hopefully she wouldn't be mad about it.

-Darcy's POV-

I woke up with a pounding head ache and feeling very gross. I think I was still a little buzzed and I didn't really remember anything of what happened last night. I didn't even know where I was but when I looked around and saw that I was at Matthew's flat I felt calm. I went to grab for my phone but realized I didn't have it. Shoot did I leave it at the party. I look to the clock and see that it is 2am. Shit was Matthew at the party. I don't even remember him being there. Didn't he have work. I slowly move off the couch and walk to Matthews room and for a minute just admire how peaceful he looks sleeping. I quietly walk over and get into bed with him. He wakes up confused and looks at me and smiles.

"Happy Birthday babe" he says leaning up to kiss me. He then looks at a clock. "Oh I guess it's a bit late to say that. Did you have a good night?" he asks. Which honestly I didn't know.

"I think so?" I reply with a laugh.

"Well when I showed up you were sitting in a circle shirtless and drunk as can be, so I took you here so that no one would take advantage of you. Sorry if you are mad about that I was just worried" he tells me and a smile.

"No Matthew it's ok. I would have rather be with you anyways. I just wish I didn't pass out, and i'm sorry for how you found me. I didn't want to be like that" I apologize. I really did feel bad about that.

"It's ok babe, you were drunk I understand" he says. I cuddle into him.

"I think I may have left my phone there" I mutter he just laughs and passes me his phone. I dial my number and it rings for a bit. But than Liz's voice comes through, well a very muffled version of it.

"Hello" she groans.

"Phew, ok i'm glad you're the one with my phone and not some random stranger" but I am interrupted.

"Come on Liz, put down the phone" I hear a familiar voice groan, and with those 7 words I knew exactly who it was, and I was mortified. I hang up the phone and give it back to Matthew in shock.

"Darcy, what happened?" Matthew asks me. It takes me a few minutes to take it in and I reply.

"Liz was with Michael" I say quietly. Matthew looks at me, expecting me to say just kidding. But when I don't he mutters under his breath 'what the fuck'. I could not believe it, how could my best friend go out with my ex. It wasn't like we broke up cuz we hated each other or we cheated on each other, we broke up cause I had to, and sure I didn't like him at all anymore, after what he had done and because I was with Matthew whom I love. But how could she do that. How long has it been going on? I try and fall back asleep but after that I really couldn't. What an excellent birthday present from your best friend.

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