Chapter 8: Ticking Time Bomb

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Do I even have to say anything anymore!(; Double update!!!

-Darcy's POV-

Matthew was only here for 2 more weeks and sure I wanted to spend as much time as him as I could but at the same time lately all I want to do is spend time with Michael. But I could see that, that was effecting Matthew since he seemed upset with me as Liz and I had been hanging out with Michael and his friends recently. So I had promised to spend the next couple days with Matthew. Michael not so happy about that but understanding, he had not asked me to be his girlfriend yet and I did not know if he was going to. But I did like him, a lot. But I was unsure if he felt the same way. Today Matthew and I were planning on sitting around and watching movies all day since over the past month and a half we have basically been throughout all of London and we were running out of things to do. So that is what we did sit around and watch movies.

"Can we make something?" I ask suddenly having a craving for something sweet.

"Like what?" he asks.

"Babies obviously" I say hoping up I look back at his face and break out laughing he looks as if he had just seen a ghost. "Matthew! I was kidding. I meant like brownies or something." I say laughing. "Nope deffinetly brownies, I am really craving some brownies" I say heading into the kitchen a minute later he comes in his face still a little pale. But soon enough he is back to normal and there we are making brownies. I pop them in the oven and lick the left overs in the bowl with my finger. Matthew looks at me and starts laughing.

"What! What is it?" I ask which only makes him laugh harder. He brings his finger up to my face and wipes i'm assuming brownie off of it, and I involuntarily gasp looking at him in the eyes him staring back at me, my breathing had stopped and so had his as I stared at his lips, I swear I almost kissed him but luckily the doorbell rang and I ran out of the kitchen to get it. I open the door and see Michael standing there smiling at me. My eyes go wide and I realise that I look horendous today, my hair is up im in a tank top and sweats no makeup on. This was a disaster. "Michael" I gasp. "What are you doing here" I ask shocked.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see you today" he says smiling.

"I'm not even dressed or anything sorry I look ridiculous." I say blushing.

"You look gorgeous Darc" he says pulling me into his arms. "You making brownies?" he asks obviously being able to smell them. I nod my head.

"I'm gonna go put on some proper clothes and do something about this mess" I say pointing to my face. I run down the stairs and throw on some shorts and a top. Take my hair out of the pony tail and do a quick french braid, throw on a bit of makeup and run back up the stairs seeing both Michael and Matthew standing awkwardly. Luckily the buzzer goes off for the brownies and I run to go get them. Followed by Matthew.

"I didn't know your boy toy was coming over" he says sounding a little disapointed.

"Me niether" I say taking them out. I cut them up and put them on a plate. "Bon apetite" I say and allow Matthew, Michael and myself to take some leaving the rest for mum and Emily who are both out.

"Wanna go somewhere?" Michael asks me and I smile. I look over at Matthew and give him a sympathetic smile and a goodbye and head out the door. We drove to a playground that was nearby and ran around like children laughing so hard we were almost crying. We sat down on the swings and had a competition as to who could go higher. I won of course and as we were slowing down we just talked like always.

"Darcy, I have a question" he says sounding nervous. I nod my head signaling him to ask it. "Well, i've been meaning to ask you for a while and was hoping it would be in a more, say romantic way but I just cant wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend" he asks looking at me and my heart beats a little faster, this is what I had wanted. Then why was I so hesitant. I know why Darcy my conscience pops in, you're only going to end up hurting him in the end. You are only going to end up hurting everyone. But this was not going to stop me. I did not want to let that ruin my happiness.

"Yes yes yes" I say hoping off the swing and going to kiss him. I slam my lips against his and we stand there making out me in his arms and I am more happier than ever. We stayed there for a little while but soon he took me back home and now Emily and mum were home.

"Where were you?" Mum asks but she already knows the answer I give her and Emily a smile as they are sitting at the dining room table eating the brownies I made. I head down the stairs and into my room soon followed by Matthew.

"How was your little date" he asks.

"It was fun. Though it wasn't really a date we just went to the park. And he asked me to be his girlfriend" I say smiling.

"Oh really. What did you say?" he asks as if he is expecting me to tell him 'obviously no, i'm inlove with you'

"Yes of course! I really do like him a lot" I say. He looks at me before saying

"I know I can tell, and he feels the same towards you" I look at him.

"Really how can you tell" I ask.

"Any one would fall inlove with you Darcy, after one day he was probably head over heels." I look at him and the world stops he moves his face closer to mine and I not thinking move mine towards his. Soon our lips our attached and he kisses me softly. Until I hear a little gasp come from my doorway and I jump back only to see Emily standing there with the most shocked look on her face. I jump off my bed and run after her as she runs up the stairs. I run into her room and see her sitting on her bed.

"Emily.." I say, she looks up at me with a confused look.

"That wasn't right Darcy. That wasn't right and you know it he has Becca and you have Michael" she says and tears pour from my eyes as I go sit beside her she pulls me into her arms.

"I know Em. I know. I don't know what I was doing" I sob. I stay in her tiny arms for a few more minutes before standing up looking the mirror and heading back down stairs to talk with Matthew. He is still sat on my bed head in his hands. "What was that Matthew?" I ask.

"I dont know Darc. I dont know" he says sincerely.

"That can never happen again. I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend.. It didn't mean anything" I say the last part being a complete lie. Of course it meant something I felt something I have never felt before run through me when I kissed him, something I have never felt with Michael. But it was nothing, it had to be nothing. Because we were nothing.

"It meant nothing?" he says in a questioning tone. I nod my head unable to say the words again. As in I physically couldn't say the words without crying or going to kiss him again. He looks at me and I look away and he gets up and leaves my room. I turn around and go into the shower. The only place I feel as if I can cry without being heard. When i'm in the shower it feels like the water are tears too, crying down on me as I cry. It hurt, it hurt this feeling of whatever the heck that was, and this feeling of knowing that Michael might never be able to give me that feeling, and this feeling of knowing that someday maybe soon I will never feel that feeling again. As I got out of the shower I walk back into my room looking into Matthew's room I see him talking to Becca his hand running through his hair. Was he telling her? I mean that was the right thing to do... Were they breaking up what was happening. I lay on my bed and couldn't help but listen in. They didn't sound like they were fighting. They were just talking normally. I assume that if he had told her they wouldn't just be having a normal conversation surely. He ends the convo with an 'I love you too' and I know he didn't tell her. I hear him fall back on his bed and sigh.

Whatever had happened tonight between us was a mistake, a mistake that everyone had been predicting would happen since I was 3 years old. Ever since he came into my life everyone had always said we would end up together. Whether they meant it as in a relationship or as brother and sister I would never know. But I knew nothing would ever happen between us, he was inlove with Becca and I.. Well I was just a ticking time bomb, that's deadline was near...


Well there we have it another chapter! This one was juicy and I have one question.

Matthew or Michael?

Tough tough tough.


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