Chapter 7: Maybe We Found Love Right Where We Are

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Hello, so i'm trying to update as much as I can before the weekend because once it is over and I am back to full time school, and work, and my jam packed life I do not know how often I will be able to update. With that, I am still going to update whenever I can. It just wont be as frequent as normal.
Well! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

-Darcy's POV-

Friday rolled around fast and I had no clue what to wear or what to do. Or anything. I had obviously called Liz right after he asked me out so she had come over to help get me ready. I didn't know what we were doing so I didn't know what to wear so I texted Michael and asked if it was casual or what and he just said casual so I pulled on some high wasted shorts and a flowy tank top and that was basically it. Of course Liz changed that because it didn't fit her standards, which I didn't mind. I just did a side braid and let Liz do my makeup and looked in the mirror and was once again amazed. Everytime Liz styled me and did my makeup I was amazed. Not long after that the door bell rang and Matthew shoots by my room up the stairs. I run right after him. But he was faster and had a head start so he opened the door and introduced himself. I standing in the kitchen out of sight so I can hear what he is saying. 

"I'm Matthew, and if I find out you dont treat her like a princess or hurt her in anyway I will kick your ass all the way to China. Understand?" Matthew says and I couldn't help but laugh for two reasons. Him trying to protect me is one of them and the other is the fact that he couldn't hurt a fly. And not because he isn't strong enough because i'm sure he could, but just because he is to nice of a person. I step out of the kitchen still recovering from my laugh attack and smile when I see Michael. He was a fairly attractive guy so this date by no means was going to be boring. I say hi to him and bye to everyone else and he takes my hand leading me to his car, and opens the door for me. I had never known him to be a gentlemen. A part of me was still confused as to why he asked me out. Michael was the jock guy, yes the jock. The captain of the football team. I'm sure there was a billion and one girls there that would go crazy if he asked them out. So I didn't quite understand why he had asked a grade 10 to go out with him. 

As we drove I had tried to get him to tell me where we were going but he of course didn't tell me. Which earned a smile out of me, I liked that he was being secretive and maybe he did plan something fun for us to do. When we pulled up to the arena I nearly fell over. The line of jumpy teenage girls was down the street. Ed Sheeran had a concert tonight, if only he knew that I could have got us front row, backstage tickets just by calling him up and asking. Does he not know that my dad and Ed go way back. Surely he knows that my dad is Harry Styles. The show was starting in an hour and they had just started letting people in, we were in line for I dont know how long, but it went by fast since me and him just talked, and we were having good conversations too. It wasn't awkward and it just flowed. Once we got in, we went to our seats. Which actually weren't bad and I thought about how he was able to pay for them since based on where we were they must have been fairly expensive. "How did you manage to afford these seats?" I ask.

"I do have a job, princess" he says jokingly. But the way he called me princess nearly made me melt. It was just so, so cute. Some people could find it cheesy. But I am definetly a hopeless romantic, and cute nicknames like that get me. I asked him where he worked and he replied with Topshop which was basically where a ton of high schoolers worked. I was probably going to get a job too soon. Unsure of where though. No I dont need a job but I still want to be able to fend for myself. The concert soon started and Michael and I sang our hearts out as Ed did. He must have been a pretty big fan because he knew all the words by heart, as did I so it worked well. While we were singing and dancing around he grabbed my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder as we just listened to Ed's beautiful voice. For a moment I forgot about Matthew, which I found I didn't mind. I was thinking about how Michael and I could maybe be together. A part of me was hesitant. I didn't want to hurt anyone. But maybe it wouldn't be to bad.

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