Chapter 2: I'm Not A Kid!

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You know me, I come in two's ;) I will probably do double updates with this book too. Only because I loves this little series so much! 

-Darcy's POV-

Waiting at the airport I dont know what I was more nervous for. Seeing Matthew, or seeing Matthew with her. This would be the first time I would see them actually together. I had been mentaly preparing myself for this for a while now. But I had no clue how it was going to make me feel. There plane from LA arrived 5 minutes ago, so they should be out any minute. Mum, Emily and I standing there in a row just waiting. My heart was racing and it felt like it would pump right out any minute. Then I see him and the world seems like it's spinning. I steady myself on Emily. Wow, he has gotten taller. Then beside him I notice Becca holding his hand. She is also tall. Within a secound of him seeing us a smile crosses his face and he begins running towards us. A smile crosses mine, he gets to me and picks me up spinning me around. It had be 2 years since we saw each other last in person. "Hi Matthew" I say with a giggle. He just held me for what felt like forever and I felt happier than I had been in, well 2 years. After putting me down he picks Emily up and gives her a quick squeeze and puts her back down. And then hugs my mum. 

"Oh guys this is Rebecca, Rebecca this is the woman who has always been like a mother to me and her two kids Darcy and Emily. Which you've already met Darcy" he says the gorgeous smile he has, has not left his face. Wait goreous. Re-wind Darcy. Not gorgeous. I finally realise how tall they are. Matthew must have been a good 6 feet tall, and Rebecca wasn't far behind. Comparing to my 5 foot 5 height I was like a dwarf. Litterally model status as a couple and even by themselves. Ok I wasn't going to lie to myself here. Matthew was an attractive guy, and if it wasn't for our friendship I could totally see myself being obsessed with him, which I am not. Out of nowhere Becca pulls me into her arms and I awkwardly hug back. The drive back to our house was filled with Matthew explaining everything that we have missed over the past 2 years. The three of us girls were squished in the back and Matthew in the front with mum. Becca didn't seem to care, I could tell this would be a week full of her trying to bond with Emily and I, and knowing Emily she would not mind. She loved to make friends with everyone and anyone. I was trying so hard to find a flaw with Becca, something I could pinpoint my disliking on but there was absolutly nothing. Nothing was wrong with this girl, and that bothered me more. 

"Ahh i've missed this place" Matthew says as he hops out of the car and looks at our house. We've always lived in the same house and we don't mind it two. It's perfect for the 4 of us, well 3 currently since dad's away a lot. Mum takes one of their bags and leads the way. She opens the door and Matthew leads Becca downstairs to their room. I follow, well not follow into the room but follow down the stairs to go to my room.. But halfway down mum stops me. 

"Darc, please bring Matthew's other suitcase down" she says politely. I groan and go back up the stairs and grab it, luckily it wasn't to heavy. I walk down the stairs and open the door to their room, as habbit of course. But I instantly regret it there they are on the bed making out. They have litterally been here for less then five minutes and are already making out on the bed. I drop the suit case and apologize frantically before closing the door and running to my room slamming it behind me I fall on my bed. My heart pounding, I couldn't breath. Like there was no air getting to my lungs. I began coughing tears streaming down my face. Completely clueless to what was going on. I was terrified, why couldn't I breath why was my body feeling like this. Matthew came in a few seconds after I got in and his eyes go wide once he sees me. He hops on the bed beside me and pulls me into his arms. 

"Darc. Shhh Darc it's ok, breath.. breath" he says rubbing my back trying to calm me down. A few minutes later i'm breathing normal my heart still racing. "What was that about huh?" he asks concerned. I just shake my head. 

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