Chapter 24: What Time Is It?

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Holy have I been gone this long. I just realized it has been almost a month since I last updated which is crazy. And as per always I will give you my list of excuses aka an update on my life, ok so my birthday was 3 weeks ago and than last week I got myself a tattoo and celebrated with my friends and this week I had a lot of studying to do. But I decided id take a break and pop in a couple updates for you.

This book is going to be 30 Chapters long like my last one. So that means after this chapter we have 5 left! This one has gone by a lot faster than my other one. My other story I wrote within a couple years. Now this one, i've written and almost finished within one year. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

-Darcy's POV-

It was now June, and my birthday was just a few days away. The big one six. 16 years old. I feel like 16 years old is an age we all look forward to, I mean in all the movies you see high schoolers having there sweet sixteen and living life as a party. It all looks like so much fun. And we can't help but hope what that is what it will be like for us. Now I knew I probably wasn't going to have some raging 16th birthday party. I mean I had a total number of like 3 friends so I wasn't expecting much. But at this moment I honestly wasn't expecting anything at all. My friends said a little while back they were going to plan a dinner for us or something, but now with my birthday being just days away my friends have seemed to forget and now I may just sit at home and eat ice cream.

Today was our last day of school. My last day of grade 10. I had made it through my first year of high school in one piece. I was expecting it to be awful, and sure the loads of homework and abundance of drama was heavy but it was an alright year. Everyone was having a graduation party on the day of my birthday which basically sealed the deal that no one would be coming to be with me. But I didn't care. I didn't know over half the people at my school anyways.

The bell rang, alerting us that our final class was over and all you could hear throughout the school was massive cheers. Everyone was running out of there classes and screaming and just having a massive blast. I can't lie I was also in on the screaming. Now this was an identical scene out of High School Musical. I was just waiting for everyone to breakout in "What Time Is It" I was tempted to lead the song. So what did I do. I mean I may never see these people again and they all already know me as cancer girl, so why not give them something else to know me by.

So I began the words.

"What time is it? Summertime. It's our vacation. What time is it? Party time. Thats right, say it loud" 

I screamed and with that the whole school joined me. And there we were. Screaming and singing and dancing the classic high school musical jam. At the end of it the whole school was laughing cheering and having a great time. I had never felt more connected to these people. No one was judging anyone at that moment for knowing the high school musical lyrics, i'm pretty sure they were judging them if they didn't.

We all said by to each other and headed out the doors. "That was excellent Darcy!" Liz screams to me jumping on my side as I walk out the door. I just laughed it off. Sure I felt really proud of myself having the guts to do that. I see Matthew parked across the lot and grab Liz's hand dragging her towards the car. I ask him if she can give her a ride and he of course said yes. I hoped in the back with her. As he was driving Liz barks out. "Your girlfriend is a legend. A complete legend" she says in awe. Matthew looks through his rear view mirror at us.

"How so?" he asks.

"She just led the entire school in "What Time Is It" it was iconic. The whole school was singing dancing around, having a blast. We coulda been the HSM cast ourselves" she says excitedly. He breaks out laughing and looks back at me through the mirror. I shrug my shoulders.

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