Chapter 5: Just Friends

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Hey guys sorry i've been gone for a little while. But here's another update for you lovely people. 

-Darcy's POV-

Today was the day. The day that I had been waiting a whole week to come. Which you may be thinking oh wow a whole entire 7 days must have been aweful. From my point of view it was. Finally Becca was going back to America and Matthew and I would have just a little less than two months together. On the way to the airport I had a smile on my face the whole time. Had me and Becca ever truly made up and became 'besties' like i'm sure Matthew wanted? Heck no! We were cival, well I was Becca was still the perfect angel and was still super nice to me when all I was, was rude to her. But I just couldn't become friends with her for the life of me. On the other hand Emily was inlove with her and was even begging to go back to LA with her for the summer. Which is just crazy talk. Mum had also become quite fond of her. Like I said she was perfect. 

We got to the gate where we had to say goodbye and she gave my mum and sister a hug and thanked them and blah blah blah. Then she gave me a hug and I gave her a fake smile saying goodbye. Then Matthew and her got there time to say goodbye and she was crying he was not letting go, it was all very sad, and romantic and looked like it was picked right out from a movie. I couldn't help but feel my stomach in knots. It had been like this the entire time she was here. Another reason I was happy for her to be going. Their moment of goodbyes seemed to go on for, forever. Until she finally had to go and we left the airport. Personally i'm good with not going back I mean, Matthew doesn't need to hop on a plane in 2 months he can stay. I wanted as much time with him as possible. 

"Sorry we just have to stop at the doctors on the way back, Darcy has an appointment" mum says and I groan. Why did she even have to mention it. Matthew looks back at me with a wondering look on his face and I really dont want to talk about this.

"Oh really. For what?" he asks. My mum looks at me through the rear view mirror. I just shake my head.

"Oh just a check up nothing serious" I interupt before my mum can say anything. Dont get me wrong I wanted to tell him... Well actually no I didn't. Once he found out nothing would be the same. He still looked suspicious but just nodded his head and kept quite as I got out of the car when we arrived. The appointment went as it always goes they asks me questions, do their tests, try to fathom my life, persribe me pills and off I go. Matthew came back this time with the car.

"How'd it go? Anything wrong with you?" he says jokingly, I laugh awkwardly. 

"Nope same old same old" I reply. "Where are we going?" I ask and he just smiles at me and starts driving. I couldn't help but smile back. I loved this, just like we used to going on adventures except now he can drive so we dont need to get driven places. 

"Close your eyes" he tells me and I put my hands over my eyes. When he tells me to open them I almost cry, it was the roller rink we used to go to when we were kids. We always went roller blading and would just do it for hours and never get bored. I mean this was one of many things we would be doing all summer. He paid for us to get in and we got our skates. I had always loved this place music blaring, lights flashing. We skated around for hours and when I got tired he'd grab my hand and drag me around and spin me in circles in the middle of it. It felt as if it was just us against the world. This girl who couldn't have been much younger than me came up to us and was basically having a panic attack. 

"Hey hey hey whats wrong, breathe" I say holding onto this girl. 

"Sorry sorry, i'm ok it's just you are Darcy Styles and you and your boyfriend are just so cute" she says trying to catch her breath. I laugh a little and try to hide the fact that I am probably blushing so bad, something I would have never done before when getting Matthew called my boyfriend. He just looked at me as if he was expecting me to say something. Well he was since everytime someone would say that I was frantically explain that we were just best friends so he must have been really confused when I didn't right away. But I had to save this.

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