Chapter 30: How Ironic

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-Matthew's POV-

The ride home from the hospital was filled with complete silence. Not a single sound was emitting from anyone in the car, which consisted of me and Darcy's family. We were all in shock, or in doubt, or maybe waiting for the moment we all woke up from this nightmare.

I felt it was only right that I go back to their house with them. I mean we are family. They are my parents in law, I felt as if it was my duty to stay strong. I needed to be there for them. But getting out of the car and entering their house a wave of emotions it us all. Darcy would never walk through these doors again. I ran, I ran down the stairs and into her room, I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe I was just hoping she would be there lying on her bed watching some stupid netflix show like she is always doing. But no, her room was practically empty. Her family had moved most of her stuff to our flat while we were on our honeymoon, us expecting we'd come back and unpack and start our life as regular married people, but that was taken from us. I fell back on her bed and just breathed. Taking in the smell of her sheets, she hadn't slept in this bed in over a month but it still smelt like she had slept in it yesterday, it smelt like her. After a few minutes I go upstairs and she her family all sat on the couch, not moving completely frozen in their places. I sat on the couch beside them, and Emily stood up.

"I'll be right back I need to go check for something" she says taking off down the stairs.

-Emily's POV-

I ran down the stairs and into her room. She said she had left something for me, in a box. I looked under her bed where she said she had left it and there it was, a box, a medium sized box. I pulled it out, than went to get the key where she said it was. I sat down on her bed and just stared at the box. I can t do this, I can't read these letters, I just couldn't. I put the key back in its space and through the box under the bed. I wasn't ready, I can't look t them yet. I ran back up the stairs to see Matthew sat there crying.

-Matthew's POV-

"This isn't right, i'm sorry. I shouldn't be crying. I should be staying strong for you guys" I say wiping away my tears.

"What are you talking about Matthew, it's alright to cry" Cassie says to me.

"But you lost your daughter" I say quietly.

"But you lost your second half" they say to me

"I'm sorry but I need to go" I say getting up grabbing my coat and leaving the house, I take a detour to get home, needed some more fresh air before I walk into the flat we were suppose to live and break down. I then remembered I had to pick something up before heading home. I stop by the michaels near by and pick up the supplies I will need. When I see the building I know that I have to overcome this, I walk inside the building and take the elevator up to our floor. Each second that goes by, I feel my heart getting heavier and heavier. When the elevator dings signalling me to get out, I take a step and another step and another until I get to the door, I scramble to get my keys out of my pocket feeling anxious. I slide the key in the lock and turn it and push the door open, and I break. Seeing the boxes scattered all over the place, a banner across the room saying 'Welcome Home'. I slam the door behind me and run at the sign tearing it down and ripping it to pieces. I see my suitcase sitting on the ground and run for it opening it up and snatching out my camera. I grab my car keys and head straight out the door. I drive to the store, probably speeding the whole way I didn't care, and I give the man my camera sim card so he can print out the pictures.

"Wow, a lot of pictures" he says. I just nod my head. "You on your honeymoon or something?" he asks. I nod my head again, not having the patience to really discuss it. It takes a couple minutes for all of the photos to be printed out and I give him the money and leave without a single word. I drive back to the flat and go straight to work, I pull out the scrapbook I bought along with other supplies that I will need for making it. I set out designated spots for each place we went, I ever got him to print out other pictures, pictures that we had from when we were kids all the way till now. The first picture was a picture of me chasing her, she must have been only 3 or 4 in the picture but she was one of the cutest kids, I was probably 6 or 7. But only focussed on her, one of my favourites that was taken of us from back then was on our last night together back when we were kids and our parents were just about to tell us that they were splitting up, if only we knew what was coming would change everything. If our parents hadn't split up and actually gotten married we would be related, and it would be considered incest, falling in love with her. So I thank my dad for being a man whore, because if he wasn't I wouldn't have got to marry the love of my life. We were sat on the couch me holding her in my arms, even then we were perfect for each other. I finished putting the rest of the photos in from beginning to end, the last photo ever taken of us was one that Cassie had taken, she sent it to me while I was driving. It was a photo of Darcy's last moment, now that was already something I would remember forever, but it was caught on camera. Her closing her eyes, hands clenching mine, a smile on her face. Myself staring down at her tears down my face, but smiling, smiling because she was at peace, and that was the only good outcome of this, she was at peace, no longer in pain. I glued the last photo in and wrote on top. 'Goodbye My Angel'

95% of the scrapbook was pictures of her and not pictures of her posing for the camera, pictures of her caught in moments. Some pictures had me in it, and in just those pictures alone, anyone could see the love I had for her, just by the look on our faces you could see that we were absolutely crazy for each other. There was probably over 200 pictures in the scrapbook and it would forever be my favourite book, there was still a few empty slots and I guess they would just stay empty for now.

A week had passed and today was the day of the funeral, or celebration of life as some may say. I had prepared a speech, though I knew I was going to choke and the whole thing would turn into me crying into the microphone so I prepared a slideshow instead. I emailed it to Cassie so she could give it to the tech people at the funeral home. I drove to Cassie's house since they 4 of us were taking a limo to the service. Arriving there was people everywhere, paparazzi and fans, what kind of sick people do that. It is a freaking funeral and they think they can just show up and snap pictures and ask for autographs, I was appalled. They had her casket open at the front so people could go and see her, once everyone took their turn we stood up and went to see her. She was pale, and touching her hand she was cold and hard as a rock. I nearly broke to pieces. She was gone. She was never coming back, I knew that this would be the last time I would ever see her, never again would I see her perfect self. When it was time for the service to begin I took one last look at her before turning away and the tears began to fall. I take a seat front row beside Harry and with that I was completely tuned out, oblivious to what was going on. I just remember the tears beginning to fall and never stopping. But when Harry tapped me on the shoulder and told me to go up and I did. I step onto the stage trying to wipe away the tears and make myself look as presentable as possible.

"Hello, well uhm as you know Darcy and I got married about 2 months ago and we spent a 5 weeks traveling the world, living the dream and not taking a minute for granted. She was that kind of person, she knew that she had limited time and she lived every moment to the fullest, and I believe if she wasn't cursed with that nasty disease she still would have been that person. She was one of the most happy, down to earth, hilarious girl I knew. She would make you smile when there was nothing to smile about, and among many other things she loved, entirely. Her whole body was made of love. She could have loved some of the cruelest human beings because she saw the good in everyone she met. All throughout our trip we made memories I will never forget and I took pictures of every moment, they are almost all of her but some are with me. I just want to show you all what you probably already knew, which is that she was an absolutely beautiful human being inside and out.

The slide show begins with a picture of her as a toddler eyes closed but a smile on her face cuddling onto a stuffed animal. Many other pictures went by of her over the years, all just showing who she was the slide was about 7 minutes long and it ended with the picture of us, her eyes closed but a smile on her face cuddling into me. I find it ironic, it begins with her eyes closed, smiling, holding on tight to her comfort bear with a brilliant life ahead of her, and it ends with her eyes closed, smiling, holding on tight to her real life comfort bear with the end brimming and peace coming over her.


Alright guys!! This is the last chapter!! I hope you have loved this story as much as I have.

Now before you go and read the little sneak peek at the next book, I want you to tell me what you think it is about! No cheating! I want to see if any of you guess the right thing.

Love you and thank you all so much for the support


'Till Time Runs OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora