Chapter 12: Crash

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-Darcy's POV-

I had stayed up late last night making a resume and making sure it was perfect calling mum and dad down a couple times to make sure it was good. When I finally was pleased with it I was able to fall asleep. The next morning I woke up not realising I had school and once I realized that I was no longer a happy camper. I got ready and went to school. Nothing exciting really happened today. Social we learned about the history of whatever it was we were learning, Math we learned some trig or whatever. French we learned about food. And creative writing we just worked on our writing skills. It was quite a boring day and was loaded with homework. As soon as I got home I grabbed my resume and practically ran to the cafe over the moon excited. I mean it wasn't forsure I would get the job but the fact that Julie even asked me to bring my resume made me happy. 

I arrived and saw that it was much bussier during the day. There were 2 cashiers and 2 coffee makers but they were constantly switching. I noticed Julie at one of the tills and she smiled at me when she saw me. I ordered something and sat at one of the tables waiting for her to come talk to me.  A few minutes later she must have had a break or something because she came over and sat at the table with me. "Boss man is here today. I told him there was someone wanting to work here, told him you were extra special" she says smiling at me. She leads me to a back office and there is this guy sitting at a desk. It's obviously a desk not used much since when your the boss of a cafe why would you need to be seated in a back room somewhere. He must have had multiple locations. I introduced myself to him and at first was intimidated but soon realised he wasn't so bad as he began cracking jokes. I gave him my resume and tried to persuede him that I would be a good worker. He went through it while I was standing right there which I was not expecting. Within a minute he was done. He couldn't have read it that fast which bummed me out since I spent so much time on it. He had either read through some of it and not wanted to hire me or just didn't care. 

But when he smiled relief flew through me. "I'm sure you will love it here" he says and I am over the moon excited I explained to him that I was obviously still in school and could only work some nights and weekends and we made a little schedule. He put me on whenever Julie was on since she was the one who brought me in. Which I was happy about, I liked Julie she was really nice. I started my training on Thursday since Julie didn't work Wednesday's and Fridays which I was excited for because that means I get those days off too. Allong with Monday's too because I cant on Mondays. I say goodbye to all the workers that Julie had introduced me to and was 100% sure I was going to forget there names but whatever. I headed home and when I got inside Liz was sitting on my couch crying. Panic shot through me, something must be wrong because Liz never cries. I run over to her taking her in my arms.

"Liz whats wrong" I basically scream.

"Michael and Isaac got in a car accident" she stutters, I felt as if I was about to pass out. This was not real. My mum came into the room with her keys already in her hands telling us that we had to go. We hoped in the car and sped to the hospital and when I say sped I litterally mean we drove 20 over the speed limit. Once we got there Liz and I ran into the hospital. I saw Michael's parents standing with who I assume were Isaac's parents. I ran over to them and his mum pulled me in her arms. There were tears streaming down all of there faces which only made me worry more. 

"Are they ok?! What's going on??" I ask. 

"It was a pretty bad accident the boys were going out to football practice when a person went through a red light slammed into Isaacs side of the car. The car flipped 3 times. Michael and Isaac are both in surgery now. We are just waiting to be updated" Michaels dad says. I sit down on a chair feeling as if I cant breath. I could not handle this right now. I needed air. I ran out the front doors and leaned against the wall of the hospital trying to get air into my lungs. After a few minutes I head back inside seeing a doctor talking to them. He walks away and I go to see what they said. Isaac's parents were now balling there eyes out and Michael's comforting them. I run over and see Liz crying. I pull her into my arms asking Michael's parents what the doctor said. 

"They said Michaels injuries were quite fatal but something must have been on there side because he faught through the surgery and he is just in recovery right now and should be waking up soon. Isaac on the otherhand's injuries were much worse. They say he is in a coma" I gasp and sqeeuze Liz tighter. 

"He will be ok! I was in a coma once! And i'm just fine!" I say. Well I wasn't just fine, but whats wrong with me isn't because of the coma. Liz nods her head. 

"It was you he was fighting for Darcy. You are special to him and we believe he was fighting to stay alive for you.. So thank you for keeping our son alive" they say to me and I am utterly speechless. His parents left to go see him and soon after they came to get me to go see him. When I walked in the room I almost started crying. Just seeing him hurt, hurt me. I went to go sit beside him and said hi. He had a few scrapes on his face and his arm was in a cast. He soon told me that the real problems were the ones inside, gory details basically consisted of something stabbing into him causing a whole bunch of issues inside. A miracle to be alive they said. What is up with everyone around me getting told that including myself. He was probably going to be in hospital for the next week and a bit which meant surviving high school with out, just being without him sucked. 

The days went buy and it was Sunday Matthew had arrived yesterday and he was picking me up from work to take me to see his flat. I had done a few shifts at the cafe and loved working there it was such a fun job, but at the same time making sure someones beverage is made properally is quite the task. Isaac has had no changes and is still in a coma. It's tough seeing your best friend hurt so much. Liz and I had spent so much time in the hospital over the past 4 days we knew it to well. Which I hated because I hated hospitals. The less time here to better. I was at work and people came in once every hour so it was pretty quite and me and Julie were just chatting like we usually did when no one was around we had actually became pretty close, which I liked. Julie was different from all my friends. Well she was 22 years old so that was the big difference. But she was just so full of life and did not want to miss out on anything was so adventurous and I think the reason I liked her so much because she reminded me of the person I would wish to become. My shift ended at 4 and right on time Matthew walks through the doors. 

"Nice place" he says and I run to hug him. We hadn't picked him up at the airport because I was working all day basically so this is the first time I have seen him in 2 weeks. He wraps his arm around me and I turn back to say goodbye to Julie and she is smirking at me and sends me a wink. I roll me eyes. I have told her about Matthew and she also knows about my boyfriend so I dont know what she is winking. I hop in his new car and it is super nice. 

"You've been here 1 day and you've already got everything sorted out" I say with a laugh.

"Buying a car was first on my list, so I could come and pick you up whenever and we could hang out before school starts. I go in on Tuesday to get my books and check out my classes and such" he tells me. So basically today and tomorrow were our last days before he started uni and all he focused on were studies. Which was good. But I could already tell this was going to be a long year. The drive wasn't far and once we got to his building he goes up to the 12th floor. There was 20 floors in this building. It was pretty big. We walk down the hall and he opens the door leading me into a cozy flat. There wasn't much furniture yet and boxes were every where but they had the necessities. I head a loud squeel and Becca emerges from one of the hallways and runs towards me giving me a hug and a tight squeeze. 

"Hey Becca" I say she then grabs my hand taking dragging me around the flat showing me everyroom. Thanks Becca but I was kind of hoping Matthew would show me. I say to myself. But soon Matthew is by our sides and he leads me to one room. 

"This is your room for when you stay over" he tells me opening a door. It was basically just a guest room with no furniture in it yet but the fact that he said it was for me, I nearly melted. I turn around and give him a big hug thanking him. I knew I wouldn't be staying here much because that just feels a little awkward and third wheel like but it's the thought that counts. We ended up going out for dinner and I caught him up on everything that had been happening. Though for most of the night I felt like a major third wheel.

Yayy me.


This is the last little update. Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions just leave them in the comments. I still check the comments all the time to answer you guys.


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