Chapter 15: You Had Everything

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Hey guys so I have been trying to update my story for the past month but for some reason everytime I went onto wattpad it wouldn't let me create a new part. It has been very frusterating, so I have had to resort to uploading off my mums laptop. I dont live at home anymore and haven't seen my parents in a while which is also why it has taken so long. I apologize for any mistakes during the following updates, I hope to be back on my computer soon. Thanks for your patience.

-Darcy's POV-

Another year passes by. Each day I get is a true gift, but each year is a miracle. The whole break I was never in the christmas spirit. I mean how could I be, I just had to break up with my boyfriend whom I was inlove with. I knew tomorrow was going to be a tough day. I haven't seen or talked to him in the past two weeks and I was not any where near ready. Was he already over me? Had he been with other girls? Was he ok? All these questions ran through my head.

Matthew was asleep beside me, he honestly has not left my side since the break up. Well he leaves for his classes and for work and the basics but straight after that he is back right beside me. All that happened was mine and Michael's breakup and he is here all the time. That just shows that if I were to tell him he would drop absolutely everything.

The next morning I woke up and tried to convince my mum to let me skip school today in all the ways I could but sadly that was not working so well for me. So I got myself ready the best I could. I was prepared to walk but once I came outside Matthew was parked outside. I hoped in and he took me out for coffee before dropping me off at school. "If you need anything just shoot me a text i'll come right away" he says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Gee thanks dad" I say sarcastically with a laugh.

"Get out of here" he says laughing while pushing me away. I give him a smile before heading into the doors, taking a deep breath. As soon as I walked in I felt all of the students look towards me and the whispering began. I had never had this much attention before and as I walked through the hallway I could hear some of the things they were saying."I cant believe she was stupid enough to break up with Michael"

"I bet its because she has herpes"

"She probably cheated on him and felt to guilty" Now there was so much more than that, and some people were actually pretty close. But I just ignored it all. Once I got to my locker Liz was there waiting for me. She pulled me into a hug and asked how I was doing. I hadn't looked up from my locker knowing that Michael was somewhere around here with his group of friends.

I made the mistake of looking up and I saw Michael surrounded by his group of friends. His eyes glued to me, a look of sadness in them. I was suprised when there was no girls hanging off of him, I had figured that would already be happening maybe he was upset, maybe he still loves me like I love him. I had just made I contact with him but was luckily interupted by some random guy that I had never spoken to before.

"Did you hear the news?" he says. I wasn't really paying attention so he repeats his question.

"What, no I haven't. Why?'" I ask.

"Michael slept with Beth" he says so chill about it, I felt as if my heart had been ripped out from my chest and ripped into a thousand pieces. I couldn't feel or hear or see anything, I felt as if I had just disappeared. "So I was wondering since you two were over, if you wanna come by my place sometime and mess around a bit" I didn't even hear what he said but it must have been something crude because Liz pushed him away. Suddenly I couldn't stand up any more and my feet gave out as I fell to the ground. I put my head in my hands trying to get my breathing back to normal. I was having a panic attack, I could hear everyone crowding around me and talking freaking out. Then I heard his voice.

"Liz whats wrong with her??" Michael says freaking out. "Whats happening?!" He screams.

"Michael fuck off this is your fault!" she screams. I dont know how long I was like that or what all happened but soon enough I was being carried out of the school. Once I feel the fresh air on my skin I open my eyes and see that I am in Matthew's arms. He puts me in his car but instead of getting in to he turns around and heads back into the school.

A few minutes later he comes back wiping his knuckles on his pants. Once he gets in I see his fist. I grab his hand, his knuckles were all bloody and it didn't take long for me to clue in what had happened. "Matthew.." I say. He was not the violent type except when it came to me. I was still trying to relax as he began driving we were just driving for a little while when he pulled up to his appartment. "Dont you have school Matthew?" I ask. He just shakes his head I could tell he was still upset. We walk up to his flat and get inside. I look around and realise Becca isn't here. "Matthew where is Becca?" I ask confused.

"We broke up" he says like it was nothing.

"Uh what? When? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask a billion questions at once.

"Like a month ago. Because it didn't matter there was never the right time" he says, he was pissed about before and now I was pissed too.

"A month ago?! And you didn't think to tell me. I tell you everything Matthew and you didn't even tell me that you and your girlfriend broke up" I say angerly.

"Darc, We just didn't love each other anymore. Stuff like that happens. I didn't tell you because so much was going on in your life and I didn't want to put any more into it." he says. I suddenly realised I wasn't really hurt because he didn't tell me, I was hurt because he had everything. "Darc.. Awe shit Darc, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" he says annoyed with himself.

"That's not why i'm crying" I cry.

"Then why are you crying?" he asks confused.

"You had everything, you had the perfect girlfriend, the perfect school, just the perfect life and you just get to throw it away, like its nothing. Like having that is not a special gift that not everyone can have!" I scream wipping away the tears.

"Darcy..." he mutters like he doesn't know what to say.

"And why did you have to go punch Michael!" I say and he goes quiet. I look up and immediately regret saying that.


Hey guys so for some reason on my mums computer it doesn't say how many words i've used and I usually like to use around the same amount everytime. So I have no idea how long this or how short this is, but regardless I hope you enjoy it!


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