Chapter 27: The Honeymoon Stage

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Alright at this point in time my blood is boiling. Yesterday, I was going to give you guys a double update as per usual, cause I had extra time and then finish this book by today. But I was seriously almost done this chapter and my computer decides oh hey. Yeah i'm just going to crash now, so that you lose all your work and have to start over. So I turned it back on and tried to start it again but my computer wasn't working. So I was just so done, and nearly punched my screen, and then today I started typing it again everything is good i'm typing along and boom, it crashes again leaving me screaming at my computer. So I guess third times the charm and if it crashes again i'm seriously going to probably break the computer, and this was expensive so hopefully this works. So now the book won't be done until next weekend sometime. Enjoy!

-Darcy's POV-

We had been married for just one night, and our first night together was amazing. No we did not "do the deed" I'm just not ready for it yet, and yes we are married but still I need a bit more time. But it will probably happen while we are on our honeymoon. Now our honeymoon is going to be 6 weeks long. Which is much much longer than the average honeymoon, but we have so much to do on our bucket list and so little time, that this must be done before we have to go back to school. Our first destination is Brazil! Which I know is going to be amazing. Once we arrived in brazil and got off the plane I nearly melted. It was scorching hot outside. We spent our first couple days just being tourists and admiring the city, but then a few days in I looked at our bucket list and realized we could do a couple things here, such as stand on the equator and zip line through the amazon. So I called a taxi and off we went to the destination where you could stand on the equator, Matthew began snapping pictures, which he had been doing ever since we left London. He took my hand and we walked on the line together. He said he wanted to have these memories forever. Which I did not complain about. We then got some random strangers to take a picture of us standing together. A few days later a day before we had to leave we went to go zip lining. Which I knew was going to be such an amazing experience. We arrived and I nearly fell over, it was so stunning here. We took a gondola up to where we would zip line and got suited up, they took a picture of us and I made Matthew go first because I wanted him to be there at the end to catch me. But as soon as we went and I heard how much fun he was having I wanted to go right away to catch up with him. On the ride down my breath was taken away, the view was so beautiful. The sound of wildlife rummaging around below us and the smell of musky rain forest. It was perfect. As I got closer to the bottom, I look up to see Matthew snapping pictures of me coming in. Matthew always loved candid photos. He said catching the moment while its happening without the picture being planned is better than posing for a picture. Which some of the time, I really wasn't a fan of, because i'm sure I look awful in more than half of the candid photos. And that was our Brazil trip, we made memories that we will both hold forever. Next stop the United States of America. First we were flying to Orlando, Florida for none other than Disney World.

Once we arrived we headed straight the Disney. We were only staying in Orlando for one day so we were going to try and get through Disney World the best we could. I knew we couldn't get through it all, but challenge accepted. By the end of the day we had gotten through most of the rides and had such an amazing day and taken about a million pictures. I think Matthew wanted to make a scrap book. Or should I say wanted me to make a scrap book. After our long day in Disney we started our drive to New York. It was a 15ish hour drive so we would probably be driving all throughout the night. Which I slept through completely. Once we arrived in the big, beautiful city, we visited all the key land marks such as the empire state building, statue of liberty, and of course me being the die hard Gossip Girl fan I am I went to the steps, and the place where Blair and Chuck got married. Being sure to take a million pictures. I'm sure Matthew even got me in action fan girling. I even also managed to get in some shopping and by the end of the day we were both absolutely knackered. Matthew especially since he had been up for the past 36 hours straight. So we got a hotel room for the night and the next morning we were off again. This time to Arizona.

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