Chapter 26: I Do

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Guys I feel like it is my duty to provide you with a triple update due to my absence, though the thing about this is that after this one there is only 4 Chapters left!!!!

-Darcy's POV-

I had always known ever since I got diagnosed I would miss so much in life and I think that had always been the part that would kill me most. Emily wouldn't have me to help her grow, my mum and dad would have to deal with the loss of a child. Though I never thought I would meet someone and fall in love with them and have to leave them too.

I knew that since I would miss so much in life I would need to leave something behind for all of the people I care about, and thats when I decided to start writing notes. Notes for every important thing in life that I would miss. Because there would be a lot of them. So a few months back I began the process of writing notes and have been ever since. I don't want to miss a single one so I started early just in case. I only have a few more left and thats a good thing because my dead line seems to be nearing.

A week had passed and I had been planning faster than fast and furious for my wedding. Since we wanted to do it August 14. Which literally meant I would be getting married in a little more than a week. To my surprise Liz and my mum and Matthew had already began planning the wedding about a month ago so that it wouldn't be to to rushed. But we still had a lot to do and today was the day I was going to pick a wedding dress. I knew that once I got to the shop the people working there would probably think I had gone mad which my mum would cover by explaining to them the situation. Which is what my mum did once we arrived at the bridal shop.

I had picked who my brides maids were gonna be. Liz would be my maid of honour, Emily, Julie, and one of my other close friends from school Katelyn. So they were all with me today including my mum. I decided to pick out the bridesmaids dresses first. I decided on a pinky coral floor length dress with a diamond rhinestone belt. Now for me, this was the hard part. I had no clue how I was ever going to pick a wedding dress. I had always hoped one would just scream out at me. Which is exactly what happened. I had tried on about 4 dresses but when I got to the 5th one, I knew it was the one for me. When I saw it I knew it was mine. It was a lace floral cross over at the top, strapless, then it went flowy and sheer to the bottom. It was the perfect one for me. We bought the dresses and mum kept them in her closet so Matthew wouldn't see them, because he would so try and peek at them. We finished off the rest of our errands that day too and when I got home that night I knew. I was ready to get married. As I lay in bed looking at my engagement ring, the smile was unable to be erased from my face. Everything was perfect. The days passed and before I knew it, it was the night before my wedding, and of course being 16 does not stop you from having a bachelorette party. So my bridesmaids of course threw me one. Except we had a variety of ages amongst us. I mean Emily is 11, my friends and I were 16 and Julie was freaking 23 now, so there was a big variety of ages and Julie was the only one who could drink plus Emily was here so I would't want to anyways, instead we just had a slumber party and did the classic things you do on slumber parties, because honestly we are still children at heart. The wedding gitters had kicked in a few days ago, but I don't think it was gitters I think it was more like. I just want to get married to this man.

The next morning I woke up and everyone was awake and bouncing off the walls with excitement.

"You're getting married!" Liz screams and everyone breaks out screaming and dancing around and then my mum walks in. Tears in her eyes.

"My baby girl is getting married. The wedding was to start at 1. And it was already 10. We headed to the church and started getting ready right away. Now I bet your thinking you have 3 hours to get ready why are you already starting. Well there is 5 of us that need to get ready, and just trust me, we need the time. Julie had got some of her friends who are in beauty school to come do our makeup for my wedding. I had decided to go for some curls with the front bits of my hair kind of pinned back and then we put the vail in to make sure it would look ok, and it looked perfect. All our makeup and hair was done by 12 and we had this last hour to spare and breath and just calm down a bit. People had already started to arrive at 12, and I knew this because all my bridesmaids were running in and out of the makeup room. Honestly I just wanted to get out there and marry him. By 12:30 the true nerves started kicking, but nerves like, what if I fall, and stupid ones like that. When my mum and dad came into the room at 12:45 it all became real. Both had tears down there faces, though mum was trying her hardest not to cry because of her makeup, though dad did not hold back.

My mum gave me a kiss goodbye, and everyone began getting ready to walk down the aisle. They started some music and Mum lead the way. Followed by at a slow pace the rest of my bridesmaids. Liz gave me a kiss on the cheek and wished me luck. Once everyone was down, and me and my dad stood behind the doors the music began to play and I whispered to my dad. "Just don't let me fall Dad" holding back the tears. I had always been a daddy's little girl and now he was giving me away, to start a new part of my life. "Never" he replies and the doors open and I take my first step down the aisle. I look up and see Matthew standing there smiling at me tears brimming his eyes and a smile spreads across my face and all the nerves are gone. With each step, my heart races more and more and when we get to the alter and dads hand leaves mine and I reach for Matthew I felt like a new life had began. He leads me to the alter and we stop and stand in front of the priest. I look out at all the people gathered to witness our marriage and my life feels whole, our family, our friends, everyone that is important to us is gathered here supporting.

The priest goes through his process and asks us for our vows.

"Darcy, I vow to care for you when you need caring, hold you when you need holding, make jokes when you need to laugh, support you when you need to cry, offer you a pillow to punch when you are mad, and love you when you need loving. I vow to never leave your side, no matter what brings us apart. I vow to walk along your side through whatever is thrown at us, and jump through any hoops we have in our way. I vow to be yours forever and on after that. I vow to love you for infinity and beyond" he says and i'm holding back the tears that want to fall down my face. He places the wedding ring on my finger.

"Matthew, I vow to annoy the crap out of you, I vow to steal your food, I vow to make you the most mad you will ever be, but if you can deal with these flaws of mine than I vow to give you all of my love, I vow to always make you laugh, I vow to give you everything you deserve in life plus more, I vow to be the best teddy bear to cuddle every night, I vow to trust in you, I vow to love you regardless of what happens, if we have nothing, except each other I vow to be all you need. I vow to love you for infinity and beyond" I say while placing the ring on his finger. He looks me in the eyes and I look at him and nothing can stop us.

"Matthew Court, do you take Darcy Marie Styles to be your lawfully wedded wife for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness and in health?" the priest asks.

"I most certainly do" he says which causes me to giggle a bit.

"And Darcy Marie Styles do you take Matthew Court to be your lawfully wedded husband for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness and in health?" the priest asks me.

"I do" I reply 100% sure.

"I now introduce to you Matthew and Darcy Court. You may now kiss the bride" the priest says. Matthew brings his arms around me and pulls me in towards him and slams his lips against mine tipping me upside down. I felt like I was on cloud nine.

The rest of the night was a complete and utter bliss. The dinner party having all our family and friends there was just perfect. They called Matthew and I to have our first dance and it was beautiful and when it was time for me to have the father daughter dance, I had a strong feeling I would cry. The song for it was butterfly kisses. Which explained my dads and I relationship completely, I didn't choose it, he did. Which made it so much more special. I danced with him, he smiled at me with tears brimming his eyes mine too.

"I love you so much Daddy" I say kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you to darling" he says.


Darcy Styles is now Darcy Court!! She is married! Plus the song Butterfly Kisses, is seriously an amazing song and seriously gets to me. It is the song I hope to dance with my dad at my wedding. I hope you've enjoyed these updates and have a great week! I just realized, if you read the first book to this series than you know that Cassie danced with her dad to Butterfly Kisses, now if that bothers you that Darcy also did with her dad, or you aren't happy that I used the song twice. I'm sorry but, I think it's the perfect song to dance to for the father daughter dance.


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